charging up.

of strength.

of passion.

of height.

hah. let me bhb for a moment.

dearie evan!

then comes the boredom of repetitive work.

looking eerie.

i'll give up the world for this.lol

Mr. Pac man. gobblegobblegobble.

a piece of heaven.

of mortal ingredients. yummies
been a long time of absence. cant rmmber wad i've been doing ever since exams ended.. lol....
aye tis seems pretty impossible for any human being. but im really totally absolutely sick of eating. hahah ah fine. i still cant resist good food la. but i feel damn queasy n disgusted after i clear them off e plate.
aye...hope tis doesnt happen everytime bro returns. so many days n days of seafood, n meals that made me feel like i jus took part in an eating competition.
n e rashes! gosh. was never able to empathise w pple who had rashes till tis time. rashes were pretty common amongst frens when i was a kid huh, but im only getting it for e first time now. hahah mayb im still young.
bleah. forsee stay home days till rashes get better. sighx...mayb get those yummilicious muffins, wanton noodles, nasi lemak, durian icekachang, ytf, charkwayteow or fishball noodles when mum brings me down to doc tml. hah. not that i have any appetite for them, but Q-ing up n buyg them can b half as shiok as eating them, i hope.
isit the horoscope.isit the place of birth.isit the neighbourhood.or isit anything of random coincidence.
randomly i get these compulsions to take a certain bus that isn't the normal route back home, or to drop off at a random bus stop and find my way home from there. and these compulsions usually happen near the end of term (that feeling) or after the exams, like the time fong and i walked to town from scgs, just because. so tonight was one of those nights, those long unnecessary winding bus rides listening to myself, and i want so badly to put in words how i felt but it is one of the most difficult things ever- that peace, the waxy lights outside i don't have to see, mood music, a busfull of people minding their own business. a world that flips onto its side, and sighs contentedly. it makes me feel like i can do anything, be anyone i want, break out of anything that holds me back, but in the most serene and unviolent way ever.
i wonder if such a person is actually very much in love with the song clumsy right now. getting all so frustrated with the books, and cant wait to get an arsenal of storybooks instead.so much for all the factual similarities. im in the moments where i believe pple alike cant get along well at all.argh. cant wait for exams to b done with and revamp my room! n get all my zichar when bro's back! yays!oh man!!super duper yays!got my sep application thru!heee....alrighties....rainy days r such good days.hah hope e rain stops n i'll have another of my long run later! waahha....