EC accepted my hi5 invitation!!
wheee... :D
but...how come he anyhow accept strangers onez?!?!
eee...weird person....
today today...
went to get xbox.
then put e box at home then went for MAD.
still fretting over hmwk and hmwk!
hmm...saw...sarah(w her sa pple) wilson(e ac soccer) jasmine&meijian(sc)
and the ac pingpong captain doing this MAD fund raising too! hahaha...
his outstanding specs, he being called up to stage tt time...and dawn's bf!
went for "work" which just ended up slacking at tampines...walking and walking.
and me getting insane over hmwk! was only 9.30 and i was like....
just wanted to blog to say, EC accepted me in hi5! weird la...nvm :)
posted by -yourname-
( P ) Pronunciation Key (y




, -d

1. propitious
two satin hamster from weixian...
sparked off a conversation between me and a russian tourist with his pap n mum.
haha...he has 2 hamsters at home too!
his shld be syrian hamsters thou...
and he said tt his mum actually teases the hamster by threatening it into the aquarium of his!
argh!! cruel rite!
but not as if i wont do it out of boredom...
2. fortuitous
meet angela on the bus 54! board it at newton...
saw another 54 zoom past once i came out of the mrt exit...
glad the trip was short.
glad that it wasnt fraught with awkward silence... :)
3. adventurous & heart-warming
i acknowledged 2 sisters!
one called serene chan.
the other called set sua ying.
funny....[refering to kelvin]
saw his kan chiong-ness, and in contrast was our calmness.
the serene on serene....hahah
still cant have a confirmation if it is perfectly settled yet...
nvm.. :)
posted by -yourname-
u may have exclaimed at their uncanny resemblance...
but...i think itis all so clear now...all so lucid all so frank. [however, ww n i still look alike! :D]
dun think FD ll ever reminds me of SL, nor MT of H.
hahaha....initials of their respective syllabus of their names...
yeap...guess this is a gd news to me.
clouds cleared away...thanx to tsunami? nahx...im still quite ambivalent bout it...
neway...second post today...
yeap yeap...
knocked at a super chong3 hei3 guy's door.
a christian with the cross at his door.
he claims to be a NPC...non practicing christian...
and he like kindof criticise Him? er....nvm...maybe i interpreted it wrongly...
the stuff in his now-seem-too-tiny hdb flat is filled with mrc-look-alike equipments...and alot alot of speakers...of all sizes...tall short wide thin, u name it.
he said. 700 000 is insufficient to last him 20 years.
he said. he had scrimped for the 20 over working years that he had.
he said. what we youths are doing now are just a waste of time.
he said. we should follow him. SCRIMP!
i disagreed.
天有不侧之风云 人有旦夕或祸福. enjoyment and hard work should come together.
and no use saving up so much and only to be used to buy your coffin and to have a lavish funeral. and as to why teenagers have the right to waste their time, is bcuz that we want to! :P full of drive and yet laziness. filled with adrenaline yet hesitance. not till we grow old, and grow sensible, we are not the age to fret over age. :P and...die at 60! :D wheee....hope im really able to live to that age....and live healthy so that ur organs might be of some help when u die and not further burden and sabo other hopeful homo sapiens!(of course he disagreed to this...i think hez like 60 now? hahaha)
yeappie yeap yeap. :)
posted by -yourname-
had this absolutely absurd dream this morn(as of 28dec04)...
was bout fel, bout lc bout tampines.
might have originated bout the upcoming site location(tampines) and also due to fel's return.
yeap yeap...
we were on this expedition or sort...we were riding on sth tt feels like a bicycle, but only one
wheel. though the
wheel is round...it doesnt have that spikes...and, it just looked like a deflated bigger-than-normal balloon.
through the long straight roads. manoeuvred thru the abrupt turns at the junctions.
vehicles were scarce....i think we made a right turn, on our left was a fenced up area, due to the dimming sky, i saw a black dense forest...then came along a big truck moving at high speed, with a white container behind...couldnt stop, brakes were not even stepped on!
and now, i can only surmise tt it was fel who was the unfortunate one...
wt meryl n i were alive?
nothing much recently.
still trying to finish my hmwk. hoping that it isnt mine.
posted by -yourname-
posted by -yourname-
feeling so empty now...as in emotionally.
maybe cuz of a minor
loci (hahah...thengs intro-ed this term to me...this other meaning to this word other than its usual meaning when we learnt it during emaths)
why is the word torn being used?
when it means nothing more than the past tense of tear.
glad for the company of the heat-preservation of the snoopy. apologies to justin... :P
143 stars by lusi. 45 by me...im so slow in folding it la! spent like (2.30 to 6)..er...3 and a half hours on that 45 stars!?!?
wad did i benefit?
a quantitative increase in amount of time as being friends together...moquitoes (esp at paragon!)...breeze sending shivers at esplanade...knowing facts about kelvin that dun seem so factual...but i noe lusi never lies..rite?
hahah....and a secret that may not be so secret...ludicrous one i may say.
an enjoable karaoke session. when we dun smell any smoke, our clothes do.
and...a slightly
sicker (ill-er?) me...
bye snoopy (stupid as alvin may pronounce). to justin.
thanx serene n alvin! :)
oh ya...lusi yh n kelvin pleasantly eeked out when told of the source of "glue" on e envelope...sth tt worth slightly more than water :)
hahah...n pleasantly entertained(maybe not so pleasant afterall) by "how to prove that i am straight" of kelvin...
and the "truth or darE" that followed...and we only played truth. haha...and answered only selectively.....
yeah...tigress :) shant elaborate on this...but 'tis funny la... :)
and my fan yi chen rocks vs jay rules.
ya...most of us wont be able to jay walk. serious, majority of us cant. unless your name is jay :p
then...long long walk from the alcove part of spore(not that sheltered secluded la) to the sheares bridge area for the toilet. wrong move la, took the long way to toilet la...but, with snoopy! :)
by our return, the sun rose liao...hahah...there ll nv be a nice sunrise at esplanade rite!
then...wanted breakfast...but marina square macs only opens at 9.30!?!? can u believe it!??! 9.30! :(
raffles city...has nothing cheap and palatable...
then...lusi n i went to macs at tiong bahru which opens at like 6+!?!? bah!
long time no blog...
comp has been partially formatted.
with the whole desktop screwed up, all those icons tt im familiar to, the start menu, the progs...all gone.
all that i can find, is just s t u f f, a jargon, a planet full of them under the D drive...
hah. good luck to me!
my favourites under ie are kindof gone...
hmwk time?
wonder when will my sleepy hour be today...
woke up at like 4.45 pm? interrupted many many times...
and with this bizarre "dream" bout the sumatra quake when it seemed like i can forsee the near future when all i did was reading an sms when i was half asleep. how funny.... :P
my family members have grown.
to...er...4 additional of em. :)
one white
two black bear
one er...usual grey one?
all dwarfs la... :)
one snoopy gone, but one fat black cat now! xmas prezzie from sis! love it...been wanting tt cat since young...but mum always dun wanna buy for me.. :( now...where isit? haha...clarification: itis a pillow/cushion la...
posted by -yourname-
absolutely disappointed la...by myelf. about myself.
so easily influenced! innocent? naive? gullible? stupid?
ya...alot of politic...alot of back stabbing.
and i really cant differentiate who is telling the truth and who is not.
or maybe both are telling some sort of truth, but just some exaggerations weaved in their
innuendoes that my laggy brain just happened to pick up by mistake....
my own judgement over-thrown by other's saying...
wanna get out of this all together. :(
serangoon is a lousy place la...
415...half or more are empty...alot of dao pple...no referrals. no one interested
425. some sorta same...'cept for a fren who may be just providing some lip service in return of my lousy service. lol...thanx neway! better to have someone to talk to than none :D
421. our last chiong-ing place. finally got my first referral on level...9? aiya...only did one level anyway...dun think she is interested afterall...
then...packed up at 9.45
delayed till 11 before leaving that
dead place...
sighx...meeting so early tml...wanna slp...needa do hmwk >.<
now...caroline needs help? :(
things to do:
call referral, today tt one.(MOL3000-free compaq promo)
get bro's xbox mod.
get xmas presents.
clarify zara voucher(2adverts...).
do hmwk.
[edit: 2:49am]
hate it when i realise my fren is getting more n more politic scheming...
maybe it has always been so, just tt i din realise? and that i was always under this whole web of his.
posted by -yourname-
he so good looking! :)
initially, i went to the concert with no expectations, with nothing else but just a ready-to-be-wasted afternoon.
suppose to meet at 3pm at bv...
but...i was still at the bus stop at my home at 3.
hahah...ended up that everyone was late!
me n yinghong took the same mrt, but we only met at the control station.
while alvin serene kelvin n michael came later...were in office trying to settle some stuff...
ANYWAY! the more we look at fna yi chen. the mroe handsome he gets!
dunno why oso.
but maybe itis jsut the "teen" stuff, guys and exception la. stupid kelvin fell asleep la! how can?
it was so nice!
and liu jia yue tuan. their performance on stage really good. not that they are very very handsome, they are not as good looking as van fan, but they overall performance was great!
and...we got to shook van fan's hand!
too bad it was clammy and cold...hahaha...so not nice to shake onezz...
then went to the lift there and wait, discovered it by chance. cuz i dunno the orientation of acs(i)...yeap...so, by chanbe i got to go to this concert. and by chance that i got someone quite crazy about him with me, and by chance we discovered the lift to lead us to our last goodbye to him!
ying hong managed to take a very good close up pic of him la!
im so envious!
i wanna go imm or that tampines mall tml to see him!!
hez real good looking la :)
posted by -yourname-
im not going to take back what i've said the previous time, but, thank you. on the condition that the trouble ends here. but, i believe it wont.
nevertheless, thank you.
not that i eternally grateful or wad, but it just changed the impression that i have on human, me an exception cuz i cant judge myself.
alot of things undone. shall stay unborn.
really wanted to go knocking on the doors today.
earn instead of spending.
i just realise, i can eat forever if im not paying for it.
maybe that y i can lose some fats when parents not arnd n when im working,
providing for myself.
hahaha...i wont pamper myself? :P
dunno....i wanna try the new washing machine though.
and i wanna get my pay! and spend it all! :D
posted by -yourname-
been some time since i last blog..
im here to lodge a complaint against Mr V Ahrumugan S/O T Valaitham. [surprised to find your full name here?]
be glad that im actually spending this effort to type out your full name when you are not even worth remembering.
yesterday, was suppose to have an appointment with u right! dont you rmmber u muddlehead!
then...made so many trips to ur home, only to be dismissed by your maid who cannot speak eng(i admit tt im in dire need to improve and extend my lang skills) and ya, i should thank her as she entertained me quite a bit with her head shaking left and right, threatening to detached from her neck anytime.
ya, so i left, not intending to further dislodge her head from her neck, or maybe the brain from the head.
and...so...many other wasted trips.
so, that night, made an appointment with you. you agreed, 8pm today at ur house.
called you up about an hour and a half before 8. you were enthusiatic, and i still fear that you may forget. if it was that action of laterally shaking ur head too much, that maybe it really detaches ur brain from ur organs, i would gladly put this matter aside. but i trusted that u are a man of integrity, of morale and kind-heartedness. i believed.
after much talking...and persuasion of sth so worth the price, u told me, "let me consider about it". and pls do not allow me any chance to look down on u, and be disappointed in you. but, i guess u did, afterall.
and the cable tv thing? forget it if u r so persistent.
i wouldnt allow myself to waste any more of my worthless time on you anymore.
get wad i am implying?
you are WORSE than worthless.
er...did i say that you are Mr V Ahrumugan S/O T Valaitham.
im really not keen on taking u as my customer anymore. Really.
esp when your kid(the younger one) isnt those brainy type.
unless you are willing to compensate for my transportation fees...and other intangible stuff....
i know you will be shrieking, "FAT HOPE!"
neway...after tt
exciting incident ....went to meryl's hse..
wanted to watch tt zoe tay show...but...ended yesterday!!
then...sm called...kindof confirmed bout that mol 3000...
just realised tt he live at dorset road leh!
so cool....
did 50 yesterday...n meryl only live a few streets away
and we used to play bball at that area!
but we "migrated" to pei kio cc for good. but itis still near la!
cool! :P
20 min on the fone...no free incoming...bahx...
feel like giving up all together.
im not attaining anything at all.
i shall stop dwelling on this...and go sth rite? bahx...
posted by -yourname-
prepared sth to keep my diary entries in....made out of a orange juice carton :)
go green? definitely.
totally forgot bout the meeting on friday 8.30...
will try to take pic of it and post it here or sth..
bah...forgot where m i now...
the old blog? new blog? but definitely not the lcia blog..
tis aft...heavy rain...
and i washed my bro's laundry!
first time i didnt have much complains bout it...maybe cuz i need not wash so many loads of it like the previous time..
yeap..and gonna get a new washing machine tml!
we xian zhan hou zhou! :)
yeap....hope i have money to chip in la..
just realise tt the roti near my house is v nice!
abit similar to the ah kun kaya toast...but cuz ah kun tt one is too "franchised" i dun like...i like to eat them in old coffeeshop! :D
alot of twisting for my bro's clothes..
then bbq w my bro's frens..
lol...initially, really cant communicate...
but, it became better la..
and that jian hong took a bite of my perfect chicken wing!
i spent like half an hour specially roasting it, making sure tt itis not burnt and stuff.
acutally, itis meant for my bro de...
i dun like to eat the food tt i cook onezz...
but...i still made my bro eat it. only the middle portion la...while jh ate that top part...
neway, he cooked one in return. maybe not the same amount of effort bahx, but definitely, the time spent is about the same.
except that his one tasted disgusting! he like put the whole tub of honey on it la! but it looked very nice! honey glazed. :)
then they play soccer...and it flew over into the other estate area...
ahhaha....then they drove over..
lol...only left my bro tt cant drive...
here i am...with bro and some of his frens still outside....
cant wait to get a new washing machine!
though i wont be the one using it..
but i would like to see one nice one in my home!
oh ya!
made a big mistake!
forgot to redeem the rewards points when i dropped box...
hope i can still redeem it la.
that stupid girl at the starhub counter. isit a rule to not remind their customers not to redeem their rewards points? always like taht one leh...happened to my colleague's customer oso..then taht customer complained to him (i oso 4got who isit la)
posted by -yourname-
ive learnt alot these few days..
maybe itis not just about learning, but loving and understanding ...
from the
first day of total blurness: screwing up the in-voice. almost the whole block was empty. coping w urself when others are doing so well...
till a
few days later: existing customers and the hassle that follows. knowing more about each and every team member and how marvellous they all are. esp lusi! at a pt of time(for only half a day) i didnt really like her...this is the truth la...but now, i've known the fabolous her! :) and...delphine, i prefer the name yiet fong leh! and....felicia(abit)and zhi hui! she so skinny and has quite a huge appetite(relative to her size la)
yesterday, when ying hong came in: she is really intelligent! she only took like a day to know every promotion! while i took like ..er? and, i got to noe that wei yi is very nice person! that time, she came in w ice for training, really thought they are "icy" pple...but, she not! i dunno bout ice :P
yeap...and we are all avid chi songs fans! :)
and many, syz n jay :)
finally rmmbered to sms wei yi...
still drenched.
serene and alvin really rocks la!
michael too! hahaha...jude...
aiya...the whole team 7 is the best!
really...we are healthy pple! :) rite!
we dun smoke, dun drink...
esp when we have such great group leaders la...
i just dun get it, bout how pple actually function.
how can they be so persistent on sth wrong, and trying to convince themselves[ken, richard...] about sth that is so so so wrong...
i believe i dunno the whole whole story.
but, no matter wad, i will stand w team 7! we will! :)
bah...so hungry...hadnt had a single meal today...
biscuits. dessert. mixed fruit tart! :) 5 fries? :P
this job rocks!
maybe itis not so much of a job. calling it a job is just merely finding a term for easy reference and easy understanding....it is...a game! so fun! :)
neway...met with suhui cynthia and kai kian finally...lol..FINALLY!
ya...nobody changed much i guess...cynthia getting a job soon...
kai kian going to ns early jan.
suhui still in np.
ya...others? dunno...
sigh...no longer raining... :(
time to feed the many many luohans outside....
the terrapin
the hamsters
the small fish in my bro's tank(with the luo han tt never grows big)
yeap...wad else?
must rmmber to help bro book bbq pit tml...
[edit 12:29]
eating ice cream from the tub.
im alone, who cares.
at most finish all by myself...
the tasteless dreyers ice cream...really tasteless...
syz's song! ben1! :)
spent the whole time digging at the ice cream...
the sides starting to melt le...better put it back :P
tasteless ice cream...
posted by -yourname-
i desperately need some sales...
and...ya, here i am.
using this tiny lil hope, trying to regain the very minuscule self confidence.
my second consecutive day of zero sales!
and today is my third time.
how demoralising la!
okay...i shouldnt ramble here....
me, are offering :
Cable TV
$16.80 per month!(ie, 14 dollars rebate per month!) of channels of ur own choice!
free 21" Toshiba flat screen tv!just subscribe w starhub for 2 years at a cost of $33.60 per month! again, channels of ur own choice! :)
3000kbps: 79.80 per month.(effective cost is only about $71 cuz u will be enjoying 10% discount for 2 whole years!) contract:2 years. free Compaq Presario PC! inclusive of speakers, 15" monitor. processor speed 2.53 Ghz. performance as good as pentium 4! CPU memory space: 40GB
1500kbps: 58.80 per month. free HP photosmart 375 compact photo printer, bluetooth adaptor and cable modem! contract:2 years. [same promotion for 3000kbps, 79.80 per month]
and of course...theres the hub-3-club thing...
10% off ur mobile fone charges
10% off ur cable tv charges
another 5% off ur maxonline charges
my ramblings...:
this customer made me speak to him like half an hour in his hse....seem so interested...
then in e end say dun want.
he just wanna shua3 wo3 rite!
then...alot of pple jsut kope my pamphlets la!
they think itis free isit!
need money lo! though itis not my money, they shld at least recycle it if they intended to throw it away rite! and i believe they wouldnt....
and they jsut wanna take my brouchure and shut the door!
slam the door on my face is their fav habit le..
posted by -yourname-