changed the pic again :)
this is the radio thingy tt i got for free from njc open hse tis year :)
the pepper crab at joo chiat place bus 33 from sch brings u straight to the doorstep of this place!
pap act ordered one for each one of us, though they arent the humongous type, but, still too much to be devoured all at one go!
anyway, they are much better than those served at jumbo, the upper east coast one, better the crabs anywhere else!
many pple have started mugging already!
i shall start soon! considering the amount of hmwk that the tchers heaped upon us...and that i really wanna complete them all, within a week! =x
how ambitious i am. at least im falling on the clouds when i aim at the moon. :)
then i'll fall thru the clouds and land hard on e earth. heh.
posted by -yourname-
i kindof like my blog white, like it empty, like it blank.
maybe i shall go on a disappearing act during this hols.
wad KT said last week actually inspired me to go on a mugging-diet. hahaha...mug non-stop
but i think i lack the determination.
anyway...shall continue musing bout stuff, bout life, bout putting an end to this blog.
yeap. physics lesson tml!! 9-3! or isit 8.30. wadeva...
shall wake up at 8, think i'll reach at 9.30.
gp lesson during the hols too! and more physics tuition, which is so bloody X! and gp tuition.
hopefully can achieve a mahjiong session, w some lc-ers, and let meryl try the new drink tt sis bought..hahah...vodka sux quite abit. then smo present which is long long over due.
am quite satisfied bout wad i bought yesterday. the highlight being that i finally manage to buy a pair of decent slippers! or isit called sandls, wadeva. which i, disappointedly, saw a middle-aged woman wearing it. anyway, it aint branded, aint exclusive. wadeva.
posted by -yourname-
though itis not much...but they are really nice stuff :D
posted by -yourname-
just checked out the movie on amityville thing...
turth bout amityville
hmmm....i still dun believe that itis true, though im definitely not brave enough to stay there.
not true!! :P
almost fell asleep when watching star wars ep3 today. ahhaha...cant blame it on e movie, i think i was jsut tired.
yeah, house of wax aint too bad. but i believe i can still have a good night's slp today. :) white noise and hide & seek are much worse than house of wax lahzz....and amityville too!
bleah...our theatres are so totally bombarded with horror movies recently.
and, yeah! i watched my very first NC-16 movie a few days ago! twas amityville lahz :)
anyway...kelvyna chan gave us a half day today!! suddenly!! woohoo!
this term has ended. but it wasnt just a usual end-of-school-start-of-hols mood. what ive felt was loss, ecstacy, asphyxiation.
choo hong kiang leaving ac for a title of being vp in a gov sch. shez my ocip t.i.c.! though not much strings attached, itis just like SOMEONE is leaving type of feeling.
then...congrats to rugby, ac choir, strings, netball. they have attributed to our half day off! and wasting the maths lect, then teh sing-song session accompanied by our monotone zhiheng and who-so-wadeva gep! :P
yeah...and wad needs to be done during this hols? seems like a whole damn lot! heh. and i hope i'll be in the mood to start mugging soon. lol...
oh ya...and the coolest thing tt have been happening is that ive been seeing thengs for like so many times in like a week?
last sat at wisma, tues at tennis finals, today at cine!
wow...i dun even see pple in e same sch as much as this lah!
btw, sis brought valentine and Quistmas and the no-name hamsters home jsut now!! hahaha...but theres WondeeeRFooOl sweets for me and a caramel kit kat? hahaha....
posted by -yourname-
previous EC watch amityville on the same day, same place, same theatre as me!!(im 99% sure bout this)
and i din notice him!!
the theatre is like how damn small lahz...we complain bout the tiny theatre we've got, but....bahz!!!!!
but itis really kindof cool to know that someone u noe was near u, and wld be perfect if i saw him. BUT i din!
maybe he was among the 3 or 4 pple who entered the theatre slightly late and sat IN FRONT of ME!
yeah...no need to emphasize on my blurness rite...
haha...on a lighter note, we(i mean, the ac rugby team) snatched back the champion title!!! from rj!! :D
good job ruggers! hahah...leow played and touched the ball much more than one! sweet!
kindof thrashed them. this year's score is a far cry from last year's absurd score of 6-3. yeah! thrashed rj with a 23-0! mwuahahahah....ac ruggers rocks!!!
yeah.... tml is the last day of sch!! at least for this term.
been a trying period of time, feeling wasted, drained. cant wait to wake up super late, and not having to walk across the muddy ground aft getting out of the car. cant wait!
really wanna watch sweet november again. but doubt i'll ever bother to rent it.
and guess wad! we'll all be graduating from acj in like 5 more months! with like only 2 months of compulsory schooling to go!
and i only spent 5 sch terms in acj and im graduating soon!
posted by -yourname-
adam sandler's grow old with u sounds really nice. very soothing... :)
i wanna make u smilewhenever u r sad
i'll get u medicine when ur tummy aches
build ur fire if ur furnace breaks
cooh huh!was just wondering...
how come pple can turn out to be so different.
pple born on the same day are different. differet colour, different name, different type
pple with the same name are all too different! so why do pple associate certain names to peep's personality?
even siblings, twins. they are all so different.
going for the choir concert later...
so tired...dun wanna go :(
woke up early in e morn to go for tuition...but at least i've got some nice songs here to keep me up thru the day :)
posted by -yourname-
this song is quite nice...just dug up the lyrics from the net... :)
Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next
What happens next
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before
Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened before
just amazing that we can be so heavily influenced by wad other pple says and wad other pple may think of u.
when pple dare u to do sth, everything just seems like a game.
afterall, life is really just a game!
was in a hbo-mania mood earlier today....
watched 3 movies consecutively...
what a girl wants, followed by S.W.A.T. (special weapons and tactics) and lastly The Italian job. all are nice movies! :)
somehow, im being reminded of KT's "the Grinch" movie. the one which i fell aslp while watching or sth... how KT actually got enlightened...
btw, theres another nice super nice song!
老鼠爱大米 by guo mei mei...
v nice! :)
posted by -yourname-
i've finally got the time to rest, to inhale, to exhale.
seems as if the past 3 day plus half of today is a nightmare.
staying up for god-knows-wad, zombie-ing in and out of sch. i have no idea wad i was doing.
perhaps, the climax for a day is when i watch tv. hah. how boring how dull rite!
yeap, am still carrying on watching the 9pm show on channel 8.
hero to zero this show revolves around the concept of after-death.
will we be simply reduced to ashes?
are those hell money really money in circulation in hell?
can u really "deliver" a dream to ur family?
bleah. neway, today's econs was hell hard. physics aint much better. theres only one thing today that is commendable. that is the physics lect by fab soong. haha....bleah. wadeva, nice weather now! great whoopie mood now! :)
a long weekend ahead and im looking forward to slacking! hahaha...
a time to be far from hero! and far from zero!
hope sis and hubby will have a great time in edinburgh...and good luck for victor's exam. :)
and may i have my dinner soon! stomach is rumblign already =xp.s. KT really dunno wads the meaning of platonic? hahaha...
posted by -yourname-
hee...been hearing thunder for the past mintue or so.
hope it rains real soon. was really disappointed that today had been a very hot and humid day despite the heavy rain in the morn.
didnt have a pleasant day today...a bad morn with a bad headache, bad timing(missed the freaking 32 and then the mrt!), and a bad walk to the mrt. a tiring day!! :(
ended up taking a nap when i got home, which totally ruined my day. a worse headache, worse temper.
sighx...so coria really did lose to federer :( and then that federer beat davydoken!(dunno how to spell his name :D) bleah...i really hope federer gets defeated!!
still hafta to econs case study...bahx..totally have no mood for hmwk now...
and itis not raining yet!!
yeappie!! finally raining...
dug out syz's cd, really love this song...
that i would be good even if i did nothing
that i would be good even i got the thumbs down
that i would be good if i got and stayed sick
that i would be good even if i gained ten pounds
that i would be fine even if i went bankrupt
that i would be good even if i lost my hair and my youth
that i would be great if i was no longer queen
that i wound be grand if i was not all knowing
that i would be loved even when i numb myself
that i would be good even when i am overwhelmed
that i would be loved even when i was fuming
that i would be good even if i was clingy
that i would be good even of i lsot sanity
that i would be good whether with or without u.listening to quite-depressing song on a depressing day.
rmmbered that someone reminded my class to not use the word "depress" carelessly. perhaps it was ms ma who said it. im so unrepentent. ahhaha...
was playing bejeweled(again)...got reminded of a dream that i had...vividly rmmber tt theres some horrifying scenes of pple cooking curry, and perhaps they were using human instead of chicken as ingredients. and the hilly pavements, narrow corridors, small churches, the silhouette of the cross on top of the church...
and the new office building in spore, which is located quite near the the new sajc site/sas, actually looks like acjc in my dream. i was like sitting in a cafe which was jutting out over a bridge linking two buildings...was really high, scary man! and if im not wrong, smeone was chasing me...i ran into the toilet, but managed to escape...
bleahz...rain has stopped. and ive typed so much! =x
posted by -yourname-

cool rite...cant wait for it to come out...
went for vj guitar ensemble concert just now. so sucky!! (hope they wont google search themselves and end up at this blog) waste my time travelling all e way to my fren's hse, have to stand thru'out the whole bus journey!!
even though some of the solo pieces were really nice and esp those with pple singing it in. but...all e other pieces (played by the whole guitar ensemble) is flawed...dunno, just doesnt sound nice...
on the other hand, tennis match was great! whooper dooper sooper gooOOooOOood!
thrash vj 5-0! u-jin's match was really interesting...a very tense match indeed! glad that my whole class had been excused to watch this match. itis worth all the sweat in e sun, worth all the stand above the drain, worth all the sun rays peircing my eyes, worth all the heat beating on my calves. hahaha...but, this time round it lacked all the cheering. if the councillors were there, they wld have done a wonderful job.
but i think the best match i've ever watched(excluding those international match) is the sc's one! was versus either rg or tkgs. and we got first runner-up (i think) though we lost, we've cheered damn alot. though we had to stand at the area with tall grass, there was no fence to hinder our view! all the cheering, all the flag-waving was great! or maybe, itis just that wad happened long ago will always seem to be the best.
felt freaking lost when i set foot at farrer park again, onto bus 14, and bus 36. esp the east coast area...bleah...i've forgotten so many things, all i can rmmber is jsut very vague stuff...
oh ya...i think KT must have blended very well in vjc. all their glasses look the same!! this applies for almost every guy in the guitar ensemble, and even the girls!! itis like more than 2 thirds are wearing glasses. weird...
neway...theres this super cool comp thingy by youth creative xchang...
really sounds cool, but i dunno where to start with, and im sure i wont win.
but the tot of winning sth in this comp is just too tempting, always been wanting to set foot in the gallery hotel, but have no chance to, nor do i have any reason to enter it despite its proximity to my home. bleah... neway...still pondering :)
posted by -yourname-
i dont believe that i'm of the age to actually flip to that section in ST.
i dont believe that anything near to that concept can come to our proximity, not to people in my sch, not when the incidents occured less than a week away.
i really have no idea who that guy is(was). perhaps name does not play a part in my memory...
but, it is the thought of it that is terrifying.
i'm sure that took a lot of courage, wadeva means that he took to achieve it.
but cant he channel that courage to another place?!?!
i want to know the reason.
it is really horrifying that such a thought can creep upon someone, and eventually crumbling him on that fateful day.
told my mum about it, with the bare facts that i know.
she fears the thought as much as i do.
and i dont know why other pple can just brush it aside, thinking that it is none of their business.
you might just be the next one.
i might just be the very next one.
i'm afraid. and i dont know why...
and i hate myself for being so blur.
for being in acjc and not knowing people by their names...
so damn irritating...
when such a thing can hurt so many pple, his family, his friends, his cca peeps, his church frens....and pple cant give a heck about it.
i think all these misfortunes will be forgotten after awhile, wei kong, kristen, leon and maybe wee kim wee if u want...they may fade, but their importance will grow. many will miss them, their very presence and the joy they have brought.
he will be kept in the prayers of many. and may "magic" be planted in many who are being affected adversely by this.
he will be in heaven, and many of u will join him there in a century or so.
he will be in bliss, showered by the love given by Him.
well wishes.
posted by -yourname-
:) gave up on the previous template, and settled for this simple one.
though this week is a short academic week, many things happened.
Kristine from SC2 passed away. though i dunno who is she at all. but this news did dab this week with a sense of sadness. yes, fragility of life does haunts me.
then it was Wee Kim Wee's deat. cancer, again! a prevalent trend in spore, ong teck chong died of cancer too rite?
if i was to discover that i have cancer, i hope it is cancer that brings me to death rather quickly than to let me suffer. i believe i will live each day of my life to the fullest. i wont be the same me anymore.
this day is a total disastrous day. Had to go for a lousy NTU talk, which concentrated about aeronautical stuff. Although i may have some interest in this subject, i think it died off after this talk. Not that the lecturer is lousy, not that he is not humorous, it is just that everything then looked like nonsense. Then had photog meeting. was a total waste of time. YQ wanted us to look through the photo, and we ended up watching a wonderful play put up by the boot-licker J1. So irritating! He is so super toot!(not the same as wai toot)Yeah, he is really annoying till i start imagining myself chopping away his mouth and pealing away his ugly face!
Was suppose to be an early day for my class, but switch the monday timetable to this day. There goes our one and only pathetic early day. After sch, wanted to catch a movie. went to lido, missed the movie time, tried watching kingdom of heavens, but they are charging $8 and a bad movie timing! went to walk around instead. disappointing day...
double econs lesson was alright. i think i should start doing sth about econs. but john sloman is just so boring!!! sighx...then double gp lesson was nice though it was soporific. she let us off 10 min earlier! :) but i still have to attend the cip briefing thing in place of waimay. glad that yifang was there! :)
yeap...rained today again! nice day! i think i have grown out of the age where walking in the rain is sth no big deal.
every night was fraught with bad dreams...and i think i actually dream of wee kim wee's bungalow. except that i saw those buddhist statues in my dream, whereas Mr Wee is a christian.
then there was another dream that occured in school, saw one of my secondary school fren. alot of running in this dream, was chasing after her or sth...
In school, whenever i start stoning, a dream tt i had would pop up again, enacting itself all over again. then upon the instant when i pull myself out of it, i forgot about the content quickly.
i think i've given up making real friends...i just cant see the real part of them anymore. sometimes they are this, sometimes they are that. maybe im guilty of this too, but obviously im oblivion to it.
maybe it is being of the widening of social circles, they are growing less dependent on a real friendship, thinking that superficial relationships can sustain themselves forever? Or is it just this JC life that insinuates hypocritical acts, back-stabbing, boot-licking. Is this adult life!
i just want another long weekend, to play, or maybe i should start doing some time-consuming handicraft, which i totally lost touch with and was never good at it at all.
posted by -yourname-
sometimes we are just too busy finding faults in other pple.
i admit tt im one of those bigoted pple...
neway...the 9pm tv serial is getting more and more interesting! :P
posted by -yourname-

i really dun understand wad this warranty card is for.
they expect the purchaser(me) to buy a shock-proof krumpler cover that may just cost as much or more than the calculator itself??
bleah...stuff on earth is just so crappy. so self-defensive, so protective of themselves.
i was just thinking bout retiring straight after a lvls. to a farmland!! :D
posted by -yourname-
sigh...think ive been playing too much, playing half heartedly which makes it not fun at all. :(
my stupid calculator spoilt again...
bro used his sharp one (the one that yifang is still using -since sec1) for a few years then passed to me. and it die-ded when i used it for 2 years? then i bought the casio one(rach's model) then i spoilt it after a year or so. then i bought this casio fx-911z in sec 4. then i spoilt it 2 days ago.
end up buying two fx-911z. the buttons feel totally awful. so tight so yuck!
bleah...m i just unlucky or was i really mal-treating my stuff. my muvo mp3 player is far from its pristine condition and everything of mine depreciates quickly! the only exception may be my sandals! ahhaha...they are the most lassting stuff tt i've had! the one tt im wearing now is only the second teva sandals since my first in pri 4?
neway....yestday was photog stuff in sch (dark room w all those developing fotos are so addictive!!! so cool :D) then was getting my retainers done at chinatown (yeah, my teeth is haywire again!) then was tennis at zh's hse w zhenkeng n eric. one of zhi's new ball disappeared! :( then went home then out again to watch triple X w them...
today...er...cant really rmmber!!! bleahz...
lunch w fam...there was this super nice bun thing at the lei garden! custard fill with honey and sesame on the surface! super nice! this bun is only being served at 11.45 12.15 12.45 and 1.15 on sundays and public hols only! cool huh!
then was abit of shopping w mum and in search of my calculator model at orchard. orchard's popular is how lousy la. dun even have the stock! had to go all e way to bras basah to get it!
then was sji at clarissa's house. wonder if shez feeling better now. so many of my classmates pangseh us! lance, leonard, zhiheng, u-jin. and wm jm px lionel din even come! :( im so so lousy at setting up the fire!! :( somehow drinking vodka there taste so so so much better than drinking it at home. though it definitely tasted much more bitter there! yeah...then...thanx lim pei for dropping us at the mrt...
though it was bout 11 when i reach home...im still "latchkey"-ed. bleah...
sighx...really feel like going for a run now. im sure itis so cooling while running pass the river/canal. yeah...why dun they call spore river a canal?? the river banks are all cemented and...it is so totally not a river!
bleah...getting irritated w human, w myself...
posted by -yourname-