am feeling so unsatisfied with myself...
spent 3 freaking hours on maths mock yesterday, preceeded by a much sought after mango shopping spree in the morn. sat down in the first row of lt5 perspiring as if the china's hot wave has reached spore. didnt have the luxury of peeking over pple's shoulders to check their progress, end up having me to pace myself. bleah. im sure what i was scribbling wasnt maths that i once knew, i didnt seem to be solving anything for all i did was just plugging in formulaes in hope of getting the answer by chance. unknowingly, this holiday has slipped through my tight fist, and what gets replaced is nothing but void. so darn unproductive i've became...reached orch at like 9 yesterday but end up having to queue to get into the store.
yeap...the situation was more than chaotic and pple just openly change at an open corner of the store as the queue to try on the clothes was long and alow. and it was kindof fun to be one of them. lol..
went back to sch, which was quite a disaster and a total waste of time, then met hj at orch. hahah...i was late!! yeap...watched batman begins...i enjoyed it!! but he din. heh. but mr n mrs smith is definitely better...
was tarynn's bdae yesterday! she was suppose to join us(fio n yh) for shopping but she had to go for training. oh well. hope they all had fun after that while i went to suffer the torments of math mock...
yeap...on my way back home...saw a stray cat which isnt really stray. but anyway, i was trying to feed it with bread, but that fussy eater rejected my offer! heh. but their are better care givers coming along!! fed it chicken!! that explains why the cat is so fat!! started chatted with this cat enthusiast who saw me attempting to feed the cat bread. wow...she has so many cats at home lah!! showed me the fotos in her hp. heh. din noe that strangers can be such friendly pple.
sigh...but i think im suffering from pre-school blues. bleah...so sad!! >.<
schooling is nothing but soporific lectures, somewhat useful tutorials and every other jargons of rubbish circling around temporary friends. yeah. they can be really nice pple, perhaps the reason for this is that we tend to invest our interests in those that benefits ourselves. who would befriend with a handicapped if not for the cip hours, not for the "u are so kind!" "u are such a noble person" perception dished out to them to feed on.
watched batman and though thru quite a bit of stuff in the movie. but i cant rmmber much.
my sec sch tcher once questioned why should pple adore batman thinking that he is a hero, when he is just as bad as the devil.
what makes the black bat-looking guy in the wierd suit a protagonist when a burglar will also dress in black?
why should we say that batman is a good person when he ruins pple's property, crashing the cars onto pathments, killing the supposed antagonist whose life aint cheaper than any other civilian's!
what makes him a hero? perhaps itis the looks? the contagious admiration that contaminates the gotham city?
ya...and one very stupid and senseless thing that i've always been thinking about:
why americans need not study and they totally screw their childhood and teenage years but still be that affluent and filthy rich when they are old!??! hahha...thats dumb i know.
had a dream dream this morning. but i
saw my first 3 mths' eye candy! lol...weird...but, this was wad the dream was about(btw, all these stuff were really ludicrous...afterall, just a weird dream):
i was in this team that jsut participated in a compeitition. i think we took part in a relay, a long dist relay(if theres such a thing) maybe sth like 3.0km x 4?
but, after the comp, and we didnt win any titles, we were like consoling ourselves. afterall, our team has 2 guys 2 girls while others have 3 guys 1 girl(the criteria was to have at least 1 girl), and all 4 of us were nv from any track team! and we didnt lose that badly afterall! yeap, so the team consists of him, jeanette, one of the sbone person(really cant rmmber him, cant recall the face. but ttz not the impt part!), and i!
yeap...was evening time, but we stayed on at the track(er...cement pathment i mean) but it was in the shape of an oval of maybe 800m in length(was really a long one comapred to our usual ones).
he jeanette and i decided to run along the track to vent our anger. i wanted to start the run by taking the path on my right, but it soon got too tedious cuz i had to run on a gradient hill and the fatigue from the compeition lingered. so i turned back and took the path on my left, which was sloping downwards. the width of the track was a typical five-foot-way type which was jsut sufficient for double way human traffic. as i was about a third through my round, he ran past me. (er...i dunno where jeanette gone to) he looked sad, disappointed, maybe angry at us too!
forgot what happened next, but was time to go home. the time was probably bout 11+? cuz i rmmbered myself being kindof panicky, afraid that i might have no transport home (er...taxi didnt exist in my dream. and all traffic will cease to flow by midnite. and all the bengs and lians will take over spore for the time after midnight). yeah, that was kindof scary. and somehow, the mrt in my dreams was jsut so intimidating and i couldnt find any mrt stations!! so i had to resort to taking bus (jeanette got her mum to fetch her, his home was near the stadium, and my fellow sboner jsut didnt play a part here.
so i took a weird bus and got off at a weird place which i thought i've been there before. after i alighted the bus, i found myself at a totally unfamilar place and the bus speedily rode away spitting out soot and i coughed upon the pungent and stinging odour wafting into my nostrils.
i rmmbered feeling kindof fortunate as i had no heavy luggage with me, and i could walk briskly and even run. i walked through the void decks of the many hdb flats that were very closely packed and look somewhat dilapidated where one was conducting a wake with no visitors at all except a family member grieving for the deceased. that was kindof freaky!!
it took me quite long before i caught my sense of direction and found myself at boat quay where i finally walked home. er...i think i was running cuz i saw many bengs and lians esp when i had to run through mohammad sultan rd to get home!
yeap.thats it for that weird dream. btw, i no longer find
him that cute anymore. heh. weird that i can still rmmber how he looks. lol
posted by -yourname-
went to objectifs. today is the final lesson.
saw that black attire guy at the bus stop again. wearing the seoul garden tshirt. i nv knew tt theres seoul garden at bugis. yeap...cant help but notice him. he is so small sized and always wear that white cap that totally stands out.
met jeanette along e way to liang seah st...
along the corridor in liang seah st, that stupid YQ brushed past us and not even saying hi!??! bahx.
according to jeanette, itis the most productive lesson. to me, they are all the same, stoning sessions, a gruelling task for me to look as if i'm focused.
yeap. went to siran's hostel to study.
at least i attempted to by lugging my thick black heinous maths file to there.
and she told me that maths test is actually next thurs! yeah! the relay msg actually said next thurs..(how wrong we all were..)
so, i settled down to read the book tt meryl lent me, thinking that maths mock is next week, and that it will most prolly get cancelled cuz we could nv have it on a schoolday thursday at 1.30!
the five people you meet in heavenitis a very good book. cant wait to read tuesday with morrie!
then went for jogging. which added on to my fascinations. the houses there are all so nice! and i totally adore this:

castle! tried using wad i learnt today, but din really manage it well. heh.
was a nice refreshing jog. hope i wont get muscle ache tml from the mal-maintenance of my muscles. calling for
eddie maintenance! :)
yeap yeap...got home...then...nothing much happened.
hahah...wat else other than eating, watching tv...
oh ya...and mugging. hahaha...mugging!!
spent one whole hour on the notes jsut now. totally drained my brain!! >.<
hafta slp early for tml's mango sale!! hahaha....
oh ya...bout the title...heard that verse from siran's cd player. that song was used in her dance production. :) yeah...a very much hackneyed phrase....but tot itis kindof heart warming.
posted by -yourname-
wow. maths mock is postponed to 1.30 instead of 8!!
is it that KT is afraid he cant wake up on time to invigilate us?
or, is it that he heard me cursing him.
or maybe, itis gina who,through telepathy, heard our calling and requested for a change of timing?
hahaha...all in all, itis wonderful that itis now changed to 1.30 :)
got some nice fotos to upload later. the "niceness" of the foto is enhanced by my nice shirt that i bought on impulse...quite on impulse i guess. hahaha..
end up gg meryl's hse again! buahahaha...
posted by -yourname-
yeap...ive got nice nice fotos to share! :)

hafta admit bout sth. this pic above is kindof a copycat. saw a foto somewhat similar to this at objectifs. heh.
i love my foot! =x

my jeans. bahx.

sakae buffet! i feel fat...

at sakae suntec after a very long detour to get there. haha...we nv knew tt theres sakae at suntec!!
yeap..bought tarynn's present :)
and then played mahjiong at my house! wow...like 3 or 4 hours straight! ahhah...i was on a winning streak initially, winning 69(i think) chips when we started off with only 40 worth of it. finished the game with just a chip won, 41.
all in all, mahjiong is nice! :D
posted by -yourname-
darn. i so feel like cursing the whole world...
my schedule is like so filled...i wanna study!!
blahx. my classmates must have done those econs e-journal thing, the compre and essay outlines, maths pprs, physics pprs and all those tutorials that we r still gg thru during lectures...
and kt's maths mock clashes with the mango sale!!
bleah...when i thought i have the advantage of not-needing-to-take-leave and go the the sale, theres a maths mock that i have to keep in my mind.
blahx. i shld blame myself.
posted by -yourname-
the last time i attempted to study, was bout this much dust ago(maybe they shld use the thickness of dust to replace the measurement of time by minutes.:P)
used that piece of toilet paper to wipe the two exposed surfaces of the econs notes. cant believe that theres so much dust on it. heh.

yeap...let me try recollecting wad i did over the past few days...
wed morn (hafta wake up at like 6+,7 !!) had objectifs...was raining, but my mum was able to fetch me there cuz it was early! :)
yeap...chris yap was browsing thru our fotos...commenting on em...but i still cant comprehend their profound methods in picking a series of fotos.
neway...jeanette had really nice fotos then...hahah...this was complemented by the mellifluous music and good slide movements with the Mac! :P
reached home near noon and it was still drizzling, while jeanette hitched a ride from chris yap! hahaha...
then left home at 1 plus for tuition. really been a long time since i had tuition with 2 of em. and it was really crowded that day...annoyingly crowded.
went home again aft tuition before setting off swiftly for yh's house. i think i was totally zonked out that day. why did i bother to walk 100m to the bus stop take a bus, and alight just after one stop and walk another 300m or so when i could have just walked 400m. blahx. somemore it was down the slope!
kindof disappointed that we din go clubbing in e end. blahx. went great world for dinner, bought the 1 dollar ice cream cone(real cheap eh!) and went cold storage(so housewife-ish!)...watched alot of tv...played risk (i think we sound so primary-school-ish)....watched movie...then sleep at bout 2.
hahah...woke up at bout 9+. was freezing cold there....went killiney(i still cant rmmber how to spell this) for breakfast. met mr loy(hope i spelt his name correctly) who is supposedly a chi tcher in ac at killiney kopitiam. yeap...went to ntuc after tt. so housewife-ish again!! yeap...the ice cream reached!! magnum at a price of 7.95 and buy one(box) get one(box) free! called my mum and got her to come down to buy 3 boxes. hahaha...
yeap...went back to yh's hse...and they wanted to go orch....but i had to get my stuff so i went home first n met them at taka. think i saw charis there. and saw jiawen there too! haha...been seeing jiawen alot alot alot of times eh. yeap...parted at like 4 and kindof managed to reach in time for phy tui at 4.45. but he dragged the lesson for so long!! suppose to reach ryl's hse at 6+ but was only able to reach at 7.30. btw, saw charis at tuition again! cool eh!
stupid fel, abandoned us, and robs was kindof clueless bout wad we were doing... so, anyway...stayed over...watched alot of tv (again!) but there alot of nice show that nite :)
hahah...yeap...ate tidbits..
i really think meryl is a genius! she doesnt listen at all during lesson (as u can see from all her lecture notes) and she has no idea wad she copied (neither do we!) and we concluded that she copied wrongly. hahah....or maybe her maths lecturer was just simply lousy.
slept at 2+ (and i finally got to brush my teeth after 40 hours of not doing so! wahhaha)
yeah...had to share blanket with meryl!! and it was freezing cold!! blahx...and her house is infested with ants!! argh!!
woke up at like 9. all thanks to wt's hp... and wt actually forgot that she replied meryl's Q last nite! so weird....
went for breakfast at pek kio market there....missed my 131 bus from there and was like 20 mim late for the objectifs at tekka market.
had quite alot of fun taking fotos there cuz the pple there were really very friendly and they din mind us taking their fotos at all! cool rite! if u were to go to orch or chinatown to capture some shots, many would have shunned u!
yeap...finally got to come home and rest this afternoon.
was trying to catch some sleep when some stupid planes rudely interrupted my slp!
but managed to rest abit before going out for dinner...
and then durains at serangoon! they really taste superb!
hahah...then my pap had to go deliver a box of it to his fren near the durian place. where i saw the most complicated road ive ever seen before! itis jsut below the cte highway thing at upper paya lebar area, searangoon. ive never been to that place b4 and wld have fainted if i were to drive across the chaotic crossroads.
really needa start studying soon >.<
some nice fotos that i really like. took it this aft :)

he was frying some stuff...think he was daoing me. heh. but at least he din shoo me off.
this auntie from the drink stall was really friendly :) ahaha...but think she was quite uncomfortable cuz she didnt really talk much...
this makes the tekka market look really grand rite! ahhaha...the dimly lited lights looks kindof classy here! :)
doesnt this look like those typical grandfather's ratten chair! hahaha...yeap...the uncle who sat there was really friendly :) but i didnt chase him off his seat! he was away tending to his stall before he noticed me taking fotos of his stuff...hahah
doesnt she looks photogenic!! ahahah...really nice. but she limped off with her walking stick shortly after i took this foto...
yours truly's hse...er...the block opp mine la...halfway painting those stuff. wad an ugly shade they have chosen. i would have suggested other colors that are more cheerful lah...this look so bloody. puke!
posted by -yourname-
kindof got off the wrong side of the bed today. this phrase hooked onto me when i saw this in dexter's laboratory[my fav cartoon!!]. he got off the wrong side of the bed, and what ensued was similar like mine, groggienss, eaily annoyed...then he plunged into a whole big jargon of research stuff in his lab and his beloved sis, didi kajiaoed him...blah²
was really grumpy in e morn.
mum woke me up at 9.30 and i needa get to objectifs and liang seah st(im glad that caught tt guy yesterday.) at like 10!
but it was me who told her to wake me up at 9.30.
heh. din regret that either!
32 was the second bus that came! *relief* those bus always like to spite me. whichever bus i wanna take, it'll come last! or maybe itis just me trying to find a reason for this but end up making myself impatient and annyoyable. haha
anyway...that chris yap guy is really entertaining, and really goot at photography! whooo...but i aint sure if hez as famous as he made himself sound. cuz i havent heard of his name b4! or maybe his name is jsut too common, or simply, i forgot.
anyway...went to kino @ bugis w cheryl O (not the 4dg one thou...). yeap...and the security guard there came to us (maybe cuz i was holding the SLR in my hand) and talked to us...talk non-stop u noe! initially, it was quite nice to see an amicable lady approaching us, but she transformed into a horrible monster! devouring our time and...wadeva we have! hahha...but anyway...din manage to accomplish my task there.
then went to meet pc at orch.
hahah...i was late. i wont push the blame away now, finally. but the grumpy feel had not ease. was irritated by the commuters, by the crowded escalator, the annoying dull colours of our trains, our mrt stations, and wad i was wearing! heh. maybe today is my very self-conscious day.
BUT! back to my day-story...went to watch mr n mrs smith at lido. it was extraordinarily good! cool stuff there! how they fight and shoot and dodge between thousands of bullets, magazines hitting the floor causing thundering noises down the hallway then came the incessant amount of bullets and big big bullets and missile-looking stuff. hahaha...yeap...kindof fake to see brad n jolie escaping the scene unscathed. but yeap, cute guy they got there anyway! :)
yeap...then went to breakfast cum lunch cum dinner. bleahz. by 3+pm i wasnt feeling the growling of my stomach anymore! maybe cuz the stomach acid burnt a hole in my tummy and the acid leaked out. but, where does the growling stuff come from? heh.
ate at taka, and the highlight of our meal is ice cream! yum! long time since i've eaten decent ice cream outside. hahaha...thanx for rob's recommendation, tartufu really tasted great, but wt's lemon flavour one is yuck! taste like forzen lemonade. (glad tt it din taste like lemon detergent. hahha...often taste a tinge of lemon detergent at sc when doing home econs. i think we were all too diligently using the soap)
yeap...then went library to study.
and apparently ryl n fel din accomplish much! wahhaha...in e meanwhile, wt n i zao downstairs to search for a pair of slippers. heh. ive never had a fetish for footwear (unlike my sis who bought 3 pairs of slippers at charles n keith bout 2 days ago at suntec midnite sale. she only spent a negligible amount of time there but splurged that amount of money! bleahxx)
yeap. a futile attempt indeed. but i managed to proceed with my task, though it was very much in vain. stupid rule they've got there. y cant take foto of beautiful lights in the shop?!!? heh.
then was abit of walking arnd, ryl wanted to look for a shirt or sth.
then went home. heh.
might be having a few stayovers at frens' hse this week. am looking fwd!! :D
long time since ive been to ryl's house!! hahaha...might see jansz there eh?
oh ya. borrowed 2 library books. hopefully that ll be the antidote to my stick-to-computer syndrome. hahaha...pls unglue me!!
thats all folks :)
posted by -yourname-
felt tt i ought to blog abit since im online...and on the "away" mode. (as usual)
and im really on the away mode mentally.
i think im going to get those inflammation on my thumbs soon, and at all my kunckles!
my palms been feeling weak after the cycle...
cant grip the tennis racket properly (but i still beat eric n zh!! :D forgot the scores though...but im sure we all improved a whole lot!yeah...and maybe itis cuz zk's absence tt we din lose any balls today...lol...jk)
getting so tired from typing (sms n on keyboard).
an record-breaking thing for me is that i slept for bout 18(out of 24) hours since 10am on wed. then a whooping 12 hours this morn (from 1am to 1pm!).
and im still feeling tired the whole day.
heh. maybe i shant boast my pigging abilities it. just so pig! so grossly lazy. hahaha...KT's fav words:"gross errors"
oh ya. lin jun jie's 以千年以后 is really a nice song. or perhaps itis cuz of the nice story associated with the song. :)
heard this song : jonathan king's walk away is nice too! :)
wonder how thing song end up in this comp. but definitely im fortunate to hear this song! :D
posted by -yourname-
seriously, today is the day that im being jacked so so so many times.
and even when i have escaped from that "jacker", im still being jacked on msn by another person.
but i dun regret going for the night cycle thing. in fact, i was wonderful! O-N-E-D-U-R-F-O-O indeed!
hahaha...taht reminds me of one of the youth there. when u pronounce a name as wen2 fu2, u will spell it as wen fu rite! who will expect it to be spelt as wen foo!
hahaha...thats cool eh!
anyway...im very surprised that i ended unscathed.
really. considering how clumsy i am, how many years since i last cycled, how unconscious i can be when i am at a conscious state, how totally freaked out i can be with speeding cars zooming past me, and my very lousy sense of balance!
hahaha...thats y im always awe-struck when pple can walk on a thin beam w/o losing their balance!
left home at bout 6.25pm cuz i dun wanna be early and hafta wait w those strangers. hahah...in e end wt is just a train behind me. so waited for her at je, which i was totally willing to do so.
reached bukit batok, and saw the overwhelming number of njc pple there! heh. let me recall their names(before my 7-sec memory fails me) meiting, stanley, ke feng, yongsheng, desmond and tekuan(sounds like teakwon-do).
hope i din miss out anyone's name :)
yeap...reached there at bout 7. dragged my lethargic body to mcyc at block 105. yeah, was totally drained already! had to wake up early for tuition yesterday morn! meiting was tired too!
anyway...got warmed up quite quickly, and began talking abit to those kids/youths there. hahaha...i think im getting more and more hypocritical, befriending and un-befriending is nothing more than a senseless act. and soon, when i grad from jc, all of them will be nothing more than a figment of memory and maybe with no feeling attached too. heh. i shall stop dwelling on tt before i forget wad im suppose to blog on.
yeap...neway, i shall try to blog as detailed as possible, to test my memory! :)
hmm...had to walk through the winding carpark before reaching mcyc. and itis so absolutely cosy there la! cheerful colors on the walls, ping pong table, pool table(!!!), soccer thing(e satay type thing. ahha) and a small kitchen!
and my ping pong sucks! my pool skills too! bleahz....no chance to brush up thou. afterall, tennis is a game that is much more appealing than those lahz.
yeap...the bikes only arrived at 8. then we had to fit the lights on, though with much difficulty and many of them got broken by those chor lor guys (not so guy afterall. :P)
then after some briefing, and going-to-toilet, and stretching exercises, we finally set off!!
whee...i believe this hackneyed phrase does come in handy and adequate this time round: Filled with consternation and trepidation, the hazardous boeing took off into the chaotic roads of Singapore. hahaha...that really became rusty after Os. so exaggerating. heh.
neway...it was true tt i was kindof scared when i started cycling! the last time cycling being the day tt i had prom nite .was at the lc chalet, where i was cycling the double-seated bike w wt and we fell! that explains the scar on my left elbow. hahaha...and i wounded my palms and knees! glad that most of those injuries were barely visible in the fotos, but moving around was made a daunting task that day.
yeap. after that discouraging try, i wld have developed a phobia towards cycling. even more so when i fell on my knee when cycling across a hump near my home, and cycling into the front lights of a car(and breaking them!) when trying to catch up with my cousins and bro who were of physical superiority compared to me!
so much for the fun, so much for those scars on my knees. hahha...
yeap...had to cycle on the double yellow lines along the road, which was difficult cuz my cycling skills was only as good as a beginner then!
yeah...nothing much along the way...or maybe itis jsut too much for me to say, bluntly, itis too much for me to remember, thanks to my wonderful memory.
took the path along the canal from je area to bv there. haha...rmmber having to walk along there during the ntss camp.
this time, darren(of was it titus?) was like speeding and knocked into the motorbike parked at one side of the wide path that we were on. who is to be blamed? blame darren for all those racing and not looking properly. but who can resist the temptation to speed up and feel the thrill!? yeah. stupid malay couple, so arrogant. "i would have used my hand to stop him, but he was so fast. see! my hand is still shivering..." wadeva la...maybe wad she saw was a ghost not a human ttz y shez shivering in fear.
yeap...on the way there, many pple began slacking and wanted to sit on the van.
i believe most of us were struggling w it, but we all peservered! :)
stopped and made our return at east coast. wow. really din expect to see so many active nocturnals there, kittens included, and humans of course!
yeap...am really thankful for the bananas(reminds me of gwen stefani's holla back girl,"this shit is bananas, b-a-ya-na-ya-na-ya ") of course, wad we all ate were not shit!!, water, 100 plus, bread that they had prepared.
it was only till cycling trip that i realise how much a degree change in the gradient of the road can make cycling so much more difficult/easier.
for example, the slope besdie dover mrt was super difficult to climb(even though it may not seem steep) and the downslope provided so much acceleration!!
the slightest slope is wad i hated. for every time u wanna hitch a ride downwards, u will need to pull urself up.
must be all those slopes that made some pple have leg cramps. wonder how thsoe muscle cramp feels like, i've only had feet cramp when i was sitting cross legged at home. how dumb. but glad that i din get cramp, else i wont be able to continue cycling :)
yeap...the trip back was much quicker, perhaps we took a much shorter route. yeap...reached mcyc at bout 6, cleared up the bikes and stuff and played pool and ping pong n talbe soccer before leaving at 8. yeap, farewell mcyc and all those pple i met there. was drizzling, and kindof got even lighter on our way to mac.
totally disgusted by tekuan's hotcake with loads of butter, honey with pepper and what have u nots. bleahx...
then it was home sweet home! :D a bath then slp! only slept from like 10.30 to 3 (a good whole 3 sleep cycles!). thighs really ached a whole lot....
then went to the living room, continue lying down paralysed, except for the slight movements made to switch channels with the remote control. watched a few hongkong serials(somehow, they sound like manadarin to me. hahah) then i think i slept again from 4.30 tobout 8.30) =x im so pig!
then ate dinner, watched tv and im here! :)
oh ya. pig. im am so pig! and thanx to that triple science njc interact director(??) stanley to tell me of those oil i have, and wadeva nomenclature he had for the term fats. hahaha...nice pal to suan with. definitely good excercise for the brain n the mouth, had to be quite enuf to save myself and suan him back. thanx for the jacking man... hahah...though hez kindof skinny now, but he is like how plump in e ez link foto la! heh. and short enuf to be joked about...hahaha
i think my memory is getting more and more problematic. i actually got kindof confused over kids/youths from ntss, st.hilda's camp, and from this cycling trip! itis like...i was told to be tactful with those delinquents youths. but, i came to realise that im not dealing with them, i am with normal kids, playful ones, righteous ones. bleah. im just so confused. they are totally diff pple, just so different! heh. nvm.
a really cool thing tt i've observed is that ben still look so super young la! i think he shld be in his late 20s or early 30s (cuz hez going for his 3rd diploma degree!) same with angie and jessica and all those youth worker including teresa...must be all those hanging around with kids and teenagers that kept them young at heart and young at look! even my tuition tcher, ms ho looks only 20+ when shez like late 30s already!imagine all the anger u have to put up with those childish kids, but still able to look so young! neway, must really thank them for putting everything together for us. ahhaa...and wad we did is jsut go there and play. lol
lastly, but most imptly, thanx toot! for inviting me over. :D
posted by -yourname-
bro finally passed his driving test a week ago, and was yesterday night was the first time i sat w him thru the bumpy scary ride!! and my bro blames it on the auto cuz he learnt driving w a manual car. and i needa learn how to drive before june next year before this merc gets scraped! bleah...i shall go for manual too! :D
haha...was on AYE, and he was driving on the centre lane, at 60km/h, hindered by the yellow honda in front, and he only bothered to change lane at the clementi area. ahahah...it must be quite a challenging task for him! esp the crossroads! he had to drive across countless amount of them, most a quite jammed with cars cuz twas only 11pm. hahah...wad was worse is the u-turn made at the cross road beside lakeside mrt to pick up his super cheena ex-njc fren. he is ultra super duper china-speaking way of speaking. worse than me la! hahaha....really, he did sound like a china scholar! what aggravates it, is that he does look cheena! hahah...but, hey! i dun discriminate china pple (not like the SYCO poem thing: "yellow man" , "black man", "white man", "brown man" =þ) and i totally felt like telling him to stop talking so much! he really talks alot, esp when my bro obviously needs some silence to concentrate.
overall, i'll give my bro a pass w a score of 90% (relative to my parents' 100%[quick n steady!] n sis's 95%[too slow!] n sis' hubbys' 80%[too fast!]).
a funny thing is, my bro took bout 45 min to drive from home to sungei gedong, while mum took only half an hour. hahaha...bro only drove at 40km/h on the long winding deserted road into camp, while my mum drove at 80km/h.
what characterises spore's road?
the never-ending road towards the camp might have given pple a false impression that hez driving along a highway cutting across a rainforest(amazon basin?). but it was the lamp-posts that brought me back to spore, are those lamp posts really necessary? a continuous stretch of a frequency of bout 1.5 Hz (at 100km/h) wavelength, 20m. (=x) this is totally unnecessary la! at least along the stretch of road besdie the cemetary, unless u wanna have a clear view of wadeva u can see there!
hahaha...anyway. today is a lousy day! an inefficacious phy tuition in e morn...wanted to go queenstown library to study abit before coming home, but hesitated too much till twas too late. hahaha...
the air around my house is totally bad and stuffy! puke! all the burning stuff...
gonna be out for some fun stuff tonite. how i dun knock out lahx...hahha..
posted by -yourname-
Here are The Rules:
First, write down the names of twenty people you know. Then read and answer the questions.
You can't look at the questions (or click on the cut) until you write down the twenty names you're going to use.
1. waitoot
2. meryl
3. robyn
4. smo
5. fel
6. leonard
7. lance
8. zk
9. zh
10. cel
11. wj
12. jansz
13. u-jin
14. shun hong
15. eric
16. peiqian
17. jeanette
18. daniel
19. yeehui
20. kelvin
1. Is #9 a boy or a girl? boy
2. Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? wow. that wld be cool. but i wont want tt to happen.
3. How about #18 and #4? er...maybe? both are v nice peeps!
4. What grade is #17 in? j2 or grade 7 in piano? haha
5. When was the last time you talked to #12? just now
6. What is #6's favorite band? hmm... i really dunno haha
7. Does #1 have any siblings? yeap. 2 bros
8. Would you ever date #3? er...she has too many suitors to haf any spare time for me. sobs...hahahah
9. Would you ever date #7? i'll leave this wonderful chance for PQ
10. Is #16 single? i dun think so, and hoping not to be(maybe)
11. What's #15's last name? see
12. What's #10's middle name? pink!
13. What's #5's favorite thing to do? er...beats me. eating? playg bball, tennis with us? hahaha....have my company? =x
14. Is #13 hot? maybe. but definitely for #12. lol
15. Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? can try...but #19 ll find #14 too short, and #14 is attached.
16. What school does #20 go to? sajc
17. Tell me a random fact about #11: wildly entertaining, "intricately inter-twined" guy.
18. And #1: very smart! v good at racket games!
19. And #4: i am slow! shez on a disappearing act currently
20. Have you ever had a crush on #15? no! no! no! honestly no and never! (#15 ll feel e same too!)
21. Where does #9 live? kembangan. to be more precise, in his world of achievements :)
22. What's #3 favorite color? red, black, pink? love colours la
23. Would you makeout with #14? wads make out? dun think so la.
24. Are #5 & #6 best friends? no lahzz
25. Does #7 like #2? no.
26. Does #8 like #19? hahha...maybe. #19 wont like #8<- again, too short!
27. How did you meet #2? wow...a long history... pri 2 G! but only became close pals in pri 5G! tg with robs!
28. How did you meet #18? in camp yesterday.
29. Does #10 have any pets? dun think so. but used to, our dg mascot! hamster! :)
30. Is #12 older than you? by a few mths
31. Is #17 the sexiest person alive, or what? haha maybe it ll be so in e eyes of guys. but she is well known for her deliciously plump!
obvious tt where those names came from rite :) haha...n kindof cheated cuz i read the first 3 Q before typing the names.
posted by -yourname-
mum woke me up at 10. i slept at like 2+ la! but had to wake up early...had a good night's slp though :)
slacked around while bro, sis and mum buzzed around the house. stoning with eyes on the tv set and prawn crackers in my mouth, hair shuffled, brain still in the shut-down mode.
made it to po-po house at bout 11am. bai4² abit. then went to join my cousins in e room. they watching cartoon! wow. im totally out of touch with cartoons la! cartoons on cartoon network really sux as the day passes. watched my very first pokemon episode today. and it wasnt captivating at all.
only ben, amelia, xinying, yize. hahah...yize from vs, reminds me of KT! but yize is totally diff from KT! and im glad tt he is! :)
victoria n jonah came abit later. hahaha....jonah really good at scaring pple la! my sis went to carry him, then he threatened to burst out crying la!!! can see the panicky eyes, then the
inaugural frown, twisting of the mouth. wah...scary! hahaha...i've nv laid hands on any babies b4 la...the most daunting task on earth lahz!!
then tried to watch the hitchhicker's guide movie...was kindof boring, and was interrupted by lunch. Living up to her standard, the lunch was superb! grandma's cooking is definitely the bestest best! better than all the chi restaurant and all the wad-so-eve delicacies!! the chicken was so tender, and really tasted great! soup(button mushroom,
normal mushroom, with the white longish mushroom, w abalone, w pig stomach thing) was great! seriously, everything cooked by her is delicious la! cant help but gobbling down the food down my throat, provoking my taste buds to the overwhelming flavours on the table!
hahaha...my uncle, 小叔, challenged me to pick up the button mushroom with chopsticks la. even thou im not using chopsticks the correct way, and i pivot them on the other end of it, i definitely have acquired some skills in using it! he picked up the mushroom by balancing it lah, cheaterbug! hahaha...
anyway, wad was the best was the food! and the nice atmosphere of a fam eating on e same table(thou we still have to take turns to eat today).
came home. slacked arnd, but i manage to do sth! that is to file up some of the sch stuff! hahaha....now my desk is so much neater! but the shelf cant cope with the growing stacks of papers!
got mum (w dad) to fetch me to city hall to meet leonard lance n zk at 6. din noe tt my mum n dad were gg back to popo's hse for dinner! wld love to eat there for dinner lahz!!
hahaha...end up in ya kun. ordered set A and the half boiled egg is yucky la!! i still prefer those made by my bro! ahahha...the process of making them is the fun part, having to time it accurately and at a certain temp for the best results! hahaha...bro actually used many eggs over a few days to get the right timing lahz!
took train to tanjiong pagar mrt station(which totally feels like raffles place to me!) to meet the rest, who are zh, wj n cel, jin n jansz, eric n shunhong.
wow. the concert performed by SCO and SYCO were totally superb la!! surprisingly good! i wld have tot that it ll be worse that ac choir(heehee...sorry, but choir just lack the essence(chicken essence?) to keep me awake. hahaha....pei qian was really really good la!! everything was nice and nice and very nice!
hahaha...then went to lao pa sa for supper, dinner for eric...
yeap...satay wasnt really that that nice, those at the bbq during e camp definitely tasted better. hahaa....
yeap yeap...
posted by -yourname-
agreed w jeanette to go for the camp at a spur of the moment, after watching Madagascar(though twas not a super good show, but theres a tune that is super nice and suppose to b v catchy, but i cld nv rmmber the tune!), cuz one of her fren backed out last minute. yeah. and it had been indeed a whole whale of time, great time, what ensued was one that swept me off my feet, and really, a whole new experience!
though it was not a "mass" camping sorta thing, and we only had like 15 participants, and more tkss peeps, and like 10 more youths! :)
and yeah, 4 superfluous acjc peeps.
yeah. had been a long long time since i interacted with kids the way i did. primarily, cuz i didnt have the chance to(cuz i hardly see my cousins!). Also, it is just a total different thing when u get to know new friends! new friends who are not ur age! and u can actually opposing the action of a mimosa! they open up to u when u talk to them. Initially, they kindof intimidated me (or shld i say, they really did), those dao faces, those shy, taciturn faces.
but im glad it took a swift 180 degrees change when the camp started. hahaha...all the chasing around :"TOUCH!", shy grins from the girls(vivian and jocelyn!), playful moments with jerry and si kai, serving them the food(and got reminded tt i was almost as fussy-eaters as them!-carnivore- but i was more of a always-hungry monster when i was young!)having to supervise the voluptuous si kai during the lunches (w the deliciously plump jeanette=x), water bombing and sudden attack! (yikes!jovy's cold water bomb is really hurting on my back!), watching them for the manners class, the bbq session when i kindof learnt how to differentiate joshua from jerry(actually, their faces were almost exactly the same lahx!! jsut tt jerry is the younger boy²), then abit of ghost stories told by kerron(who was the eldest I C.A.N. boy there! 13 yrs old but still in p6. very chubby n cute!) but twas quite lousily narrated(wld be worse if it was me, i cant even rmmber any ghost stories!=x), oh ya, and the ghost story session was quite frequently interrupted by joshua's sudden boo-ing on me, but it had no impact on me lehzz(haha!), having to slp in the hall talking and waking occassionally only to find myself falling back into dreamland again shortly(yeah, i really dreamt alot alot alot! but din bother to rmmber any of em. glad tt i din slpwalk though, else might scare ming even more! trevor hoveringover him in e nite. and trevor mumbling weird stuff, but he said he had a good nite slp!hahaha...all those ghost stories...but the renovated tkss still look to beautiful to be haunted! heh. i dun believe tt theres ghost newayaz.(ya! and the 5 mosquitoes on my left thigh, 1 on left calve and 1 on my left hand! bleahzz...i blieve theres still 1 beneath my left ear lobe, and few more on my toes! while eunice got none! jeanette only got a few! elmo aka darren, ming, trevor got none! bahz.) then it was morning, a stoned one indeed. we were even too lazy to go down for breakfast, but got ourselves some nice thick and warm made-by-me milo in the coded staff room which is well air-conditioned! then was more game more fun....took elmo's digicam to take fotos while jeanette took mr wee's! ahhaha...those young innocent faces were no longer unfamiliar to us. Those wide smiles on their faces penetrated thru the thick camer lenses and...contaminated us!! argh!! no wonder my cheeks are aching so much! must have laughed too much! ahahahah...then was the carpark game. damn cheaterbug lehz...but, no doubt, was fun! a mountain full of fun!
random stuff that are not yet mention, but i wanna rmmber...
intricately inter-twined(borrowed from weijun's econs essay) relationships:
-joey is kelvin's elder sis.
-samuel(v guai!)'s sisters r actually vivian and jocelyn!(whose age only differ by a year!)
-haseena and hasleena are sisters! a way to rmmber who is the younger one's name. the one with L(ittle) is the little sis!
-jerry and joshua! hope they reconciled already...
-si kai has a quite pai brother. undeniably, his bro really takes good care of him. even brought si kai's pillow n bolster for him.
-sheena has 2 bros! jovy(dunno how to spell) and jeremy! jeremy really looked over-sized for his age. =x as in too tall :)
really random stuff:
-trevor really did look like weijun at that certain angle(to 2dp!).
-vivian is a netballer! damn good!
-jocelyn dun wanna do the catwalk. :(
-si kai dropped my sigg bottle on e floor, purposely. but he is short lahx! hahaha
-joshua got scolded, and i really dun think he is to be blamed. (in the context of me n my bro)
-sheena, eunice, gabriel(isit?) and ivan are all in arts fac in nus! bahx. but sounds super fun there :)
-xiao ping (shopping) is a gregarious girl! hahaha...very loud ah!!
-"goreng pisang" *clasps our hands tgt* is moi grp! :) the other one is elephant!
-i discovered tt tkgs is beside tkss. :D
-i wld like to have big natural curlly hair!
bad stuff...=x
-joey had an asthma attack on e first nite...poor thing...
-andre/derong hurt his sole(not soul!) when playing captain's ball. yeww...
-kerron knocked his heaad into the grill! ouch! hope the swell has gone away...
-tt kid who was chasing me knocked into the table! sorry! but i still dunno his name cuz that grp was trying to trick me n i gave up injecting stuff into my saturated brain.
-jeanette fell and injured her knees in e field!
-i'm wounded! by at least 7 mosquito bites. hahaha
camp ended in e aft bout 4pm. walked from tkss to the st hilda's church. their youth centre is a super cosy place la!! very nice! :)
thats all folks!
surely theres more to this, but i cant rmmber! >.<
posted by -yourname-
have a sudden urge to say, " I WANNA DRINK ICED MILK TEA!" though i've never learnt to appreciate tea. heh. on the contrary, i dislike drinking them, loathe that smell, hate that colour being poured into my mouth.

posted by -yourname-