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wow. have been a long time since i blogged.
haha...yeap yeap.
was talking to my frens yesterday...talking bout the honours night thing...that some pple are kindof outcast. then we went on to talk bout one of my classmates (shant say the name), that that person seems nerdy, makes nerdy jokes...
yeah. that was when i realised i've changed quite abit since i came to ac. the type of jokes my class makes are mostly related to academic stuff. and it got onto my nerve, really hated that aspect of my class when i first entered sbone. but of course, im enjoying them now. lol...i came to ac, disliking the pple here, disliking the obnoxious faces (comparing to pple in sa) and blah blah blah(cant rmmber what exactly i hated bout ac at tt time). but now, im used to them!

yeah. honours night was nothing very exciting...waited and waited. cheered for those smarties and big achievers. so, it was wadeva wadeva. went to grandma's hse after tt. long time since i last went there, which was for cny. yeap. kindof quiet, too spacious to fit jsut 3 pple in there. i still rmmber my grandpa used to sit in the living room or in his room, watching tv. despite his feeble body, he still gives everyone the stern look. he did not look pitiful at all even though he was suffering from dementia and various ailments. yeah. not that there will be one less angbao, but just that one less senior family member might just be the key that crumbles this branched family.

anyway...had an almost impromtu sleepover thing yesterday.
fio suggested it during sch, and blah blah blah. and ta-da!
hahah...yeah...yipei joined later...played abit mahjiong before putting the make up and stuff...we were all so frantic! hahaha...i seriously think tt my home lacks mirror...lol...got my mum to fecth us to yh's hse to pick her up....wanted to go china black but they din accept concession cards (yh doesnt have access to her ic)

[to be continued... -going for dinner]
just rmmbered that tml ll be a day wasted. bahx. that ll mean no time to finish the gargantuan mountain of hmwk. grrrr..yesterday is gone, and ive got no more energy today, tml ll be gone. drats...

anyway...back to yesterday..
kelly joined us at orch towers there, while we went over to indochine. and we all had to walk past there to reach orch towers! by the time we reach there, we were all perspiring lahz....and the stupid guy outside din give yh the tix! cheated her of a drink. heh. luckily i could get it with fio's ez-link card, while she used her ic. hah. are they stupid or they simply close on eye.
anyway...it was nothing much. not such an "eye-opener" or anything like that, except that now i know that clubs are all so small! i bet those at ms will be much worse.
yeap. stayed there till 3.
saw lotsa sc and ac pple there! yeap...saw jiawen(saw her again at orch today w charis!) chong lin(i still find her kindof arrogant) melanie, cheryl o(long time no see!!!but she was the only dgian there), and a few tt i dunno the name but i recognise the face lahx. while the ac pple, simply bums la.

yeap...bathed and blah blah blah until like 5! hahah...luckily got bro to fetch, pr else we'll have to split into 2 taxis plus the midnite charges...
i only manage to catch like 3.5 hours of sleep! i have no idea how fio and kelly can sleep till past noon lah!! theres construction outside, and the sun rays were shining thru! ahaha...yeap...went to get ryl's present! :) alot of walking though, and my feet seriously aches alot...maybe cuz of the high high heels. lol...my sis's though, fortunately i din spoil it :)

yeah...shall try to cramp sth into my brain after the nurse show :)

posted by -yourname-


spent the whole sch day thinking bout the results...and when i finally got it back, it was disastrous...here it is, in chronological order

paper 1: 25/50
paper 2: 28/50
overall : 53% (C6)

was really expecting to fail gp...and i guess that was the subj that i had jitters bout, other than econs. glad that i've passed, and passed not at the dot. and the f-king vocab in p2, they were so freaking strict, even those who are usually good at vocab got only 2.5(ttz e highest ive heard so far)

paper 1: 24/30
paper 2: 39/90
paper 3: 65/110
overall : 55.65% (D)

although p1 was higher than expected (cuz i spotted 18 diff when compared with yh's ppr), but it really doesnt do much help when the weightage is like negligible! failed p2 quite badly. after the exam, i tot it was fine, but when she went thru the paper, i found out lotsa mistakes and lotsa wrong WRONG and WRONG! this totally sucks. scored like an average student for p3, thats according to wad fab soong said, and im definitely not happy with that. bahx.

paper 1: 34/40
paper 2: 49/60
paper 3: 66.5/100
overall : 74.74% (A)

p1, hope that i scored higher, but thats the max that i cld reach. did the a lvl mcq ppr for 2004 june, and it was already so damn difficult. what can i expect man. yeap...p2 is somewhere around my expectations, so, ya. yeap, p3 is not that bad, considering that i was super duper ill on that day. might have scored 5 marks higher if i was fine that day (yeah, im consoling myself)

paper 1: 21/30
paper 2: 7/20, 17/30
paper 3: 29/75
overall : 48% (O)

should have studied harder for p1. 21/30 is damn low la...and i really think itis possible to got 28/30. expected drq to be higher, as it is all just about data and stuff, whereas case needed more theory and stuff. yeap. paper 3, freaking low huh! haveing 6/25 is so damn ugly! shit man. however, the overall grade improved, somehow lahz...or maybe i calculated wrongly. wadeva

paper 1: 49/100
paper 2: 59/100
overall : 54% (E)

hmmm...pple arnd me din score too well either. but looking at pple like zh, scoring a B...itis really disappointing that i actually scored an E! i admit that i barely revise p1 stuff, but i really did lotsa prep for p2 and all i get is 59%?!?!

yeap yeap...must do a reflection sorta thing for KT. my dream of getting AAAB still hasnt fade...yeap yeap...wanna tok to kt bout it...maybe get can some tips on how to study, ie dun need to study but still get good grades! sigh...forgot wad i wanna say already... but, i think this prelims is screwed, some pple who get good grades usually get lousy grades now (found this out due to my kaypohness).
sighx....dun feel like studying anymore...hope this feeling fades off after a while, cant afford not to get good grades for A's.
bleah...cant believe that zh got ABBB A2. thats so so good! sighx...those he has always been a genius, but i tot those grades are impossible this time round.

oh ya...dreamt about me being the one and only D in my class for chem (instead of zou li, cuz he thinks hez getting D for it as he left the whole physical chem blank! with that, he gets a D implies that hez so super strong at other parts of chem lah!!) yeah...i was on the verge of tears in my dreams la....my expectation was like 0.90 of A and .08 of B and .02 of C. yeah, really disappointed in my dreams. this was then aggravated by sean tan! saw him in the canteen, and he talked to us. yeap, siran brought up bout the grades stuff, then i asked him about mine too (it was then about 3 more hours to the release of results) and he said his usual "don't know la, forgot already..." and that left me feeling damn uneasy....bahz.
anyway, itis all over. time to play, stone, relax again! :)

posted by -yourname-


Your Personality Profile

You are nurturing, kind, and lucky.

Like mother nature, you want to help everyone.

You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.

A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.

You are good natured and people enjoy your company.

You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you.

The World's Shortest Personality Test

so not accurate! i picked it only for the design...heh.
and definitely not true for the person whom i got this webby from.
hahaha...not wise, definitely u r not wise! :P

posted by -yourname-

itis really THE day for my hamster. i've yet to give it a name, yet to hold it in my palms, yet to learn how to differentiate it from its siblings. But, i just saw it wriggle to it death just now. scooped it up from its cage, trying to balance the soft and vigourously struggling boday between the chopsticks, away from her many ferocious siblings. it was as if it was in some sort of a fit. and im sure it was her who was crouching over the yellow tub yesterday! and when i pushed it, in attempt to kajiao her, she barely shrugged before shifting an inch along the circumferance of the tub. darn. i dunno how she died! she might have already had a stroke yesterday, maybe so fracture along teh ribs or sth, but definitely not at the limbs. or maybe she choked on the tiny bit of food tt i stuff into her mouth. internal injuries?? doubt so, hamsters tend to be great survivals when it comes to physical conflicts.

sighx...and my nose bled twice in like 2 hours. today's being my second time and third when i experience this, i was really shocked when i felt sth watery trickle down my nostril, left nostril to be accurate. had to run to catch a peice of tissue, before i swiftly stained it red. and the first time when i was in pri sch, when i was doing the zhi1 shi4 bao4 on the wooden table in my living room. hah, blood dripped onto the assignment before i realise wad was going on. But at that time, i've got lotsa experience, cuz it was like a widespread epidemic going on in my pri sch. and now, i've forgotten all the "skills", including all those maths chem phy formulas! bahx
darn. dun wanna go to sch tml, so much hmwk to be completed. but itis like impossible lahz, both are.

posted by -yourname-


managed to get home just in time to avoid the sudden downpour...dark clouds were hovering all over orch la...manage to catch 54 quick enuf and walk fast enuf, catching only few droplets of rain :) hahah...and when i took the lift up to my home, it started pouring! whoo! im so how lucky today compared to that f---ing-friday.

yeah...on fri. went to kbox in the morn for the klunch thingy. had to walk to cine. walked till killeney area, realised that i left my hp at home. walked home and walked back, so that was an extra 1km travelled...and an additional burst-blister on my left feet!
bleah...though the karaokeing was great, i just love crazily singing (btw, i think my singing sucks. haha)
went to get my haircut, at this place where theres a halk price thingy. din noe that i need to do booking in advance! so, had to wait for half an hour, running late already! (though i kinda like my new haircut)
ran to catch 51...had to go to my fren's hse at telok blangah there...she told me tt itis one stop after sajc, which i asked if she is sure, and she assured me. that turned out to be wrong! hmph...it was in fact like 6 or 7 stops after sajc! aiyo...called her many times, and she still stood firm in the belief that itis only a stop after sajc. so i ended up taking like 6 trips to get there! when i only need to take once??? blahx...by the time i reach, it was time for me to leave for class party. but, knowing me, i dun wanna waste my effort...yeah, so went to her place to place to play tennis. really nice place! so resort-place-look-alike (abit like wjn's one too!) yeap yeap...had to wear my shoe w/o socks, forgot to bring! brought a racket along, thinking that my fren told me to bring...in e end, the host had an extra racket, so all my effort of lugging it around the whole day was wasted.
yeap...left her hse at bout 6.30. was trying to hail a taxi for a freaking half an hour, but was to no avail. took 51 to queenstown instead, waited for a long 20min or so before an empty taxi came, yeah, and waited another 10 min before it was my turn to board the taxi. wow....good thing that my luck sorta changed when i got to wjn's place. glad tt i din get my thumbs burnt (unlike zh and leonard. yeah, but still gotta thank them for doing the charcoal stuff) yeap...and i was clearly not drunk! just intoxicated, a lil high only! yeap...and got my bro to fetch me!! i cldnt imagine myself walking down the long sunset way to get to the main road to hail a taxi lo.

yeap...nothing else of last week to complain about :)
hahaha...today...received the new revised timetable!
ending sch at about 1 everyday! :)
yeap...but only getting back our prelims scripts this fri. bleah! i was expecting them today!! i dun wanna to be kept in suspense, itis so unhealthy la! getting ourselves all tensed up for the whole freaking week. yeah...even though im failing gp and econs, i wanna get them back. and im not going to get my A for chem anymore, im so sure that itis me who is the ONE who got D, or at least the ONE who got C, or the TWO who got B.

yeap...finally managed to get yif present today...had lunch at pizza hut at lucky plaza with fio yif yp yh....yeap yeap...needa get jeanette present!! blah!! dunno wad to buy!
(ps, if u read this, tell me wad u want!)

posted by -yourname-


got really hooked onto this thing today...
yeah...wanted to post wad i've wrote, but itis definitely going to make a big fat joke outta myself.
i really find this sorta thing interesting...and i've spent like 5 whole hours on it! manage to do some nice write-ups and made many edits to the photos. only have got myself to blame for not knowing how to use mmflash and stuff...
yeah..and its due tml noon. this must have been the thing that i'm most persistent in. read bout this cyx thing early this year, and now, after like half a year, i actually got down to complete it! wooh! although not much effort is being invested into it, for i know i sure wont win this sorta thing. heh..

yeap yeap...anyway...the new car arrived today!
too bad it aint merc anymore... sobs...hahah...but it feels good to be riding in a new, and silent car. and went for supper with it [fat! =x]

posted by -yourname-


Hans in luck by Grimm brothers.
yeah...got that from gnet and itis meant to be a mockery thing.
so evil la!! hahah :P

yeap yeap...
went for retail therapy today with rach...haha...
really bought quite a few cheap and nice stuff!
a denim skirt for jsut 10 bucks
a jeans(tt i'm intending to do sth to it) for just 23!
and 2 cds for 7 and 8 each! :)

and went to crystal jade for lunch! yum.
i think we're really lousy shoppers leh...cant stay at a place for too long...wanted to walk arnd little india...ended up only staying there for half an hour or so...then went to og, the sth albert branch,(everything there was erh, ugly). marched on to the winding streets b/n og and bugis which has lotsa treasures in there! in fact, i bought all the stuff from there!
then went on to bugis...yeah, everything was far more expensive.
wanted to have out lunch there...but rach was craving for xiao long bao, which i kindof wanted to eat too!
haha...end up taking a bus to the city hall there...then took a shuttle bus to marina...the ride was so so bumpy!! lousy bus!! the exterior (and interior too) was like in pristine condition while the engine was like so laopok!
and we manage to cross that super busy road!! wow...the traffic was like never-ending and it took us lotsa waiting and lotsa courage to cross the daunting street!
haha...had yummy noodle and yummy xiao long bao there...
walked thru city link, cant find a place to buy rach's desert.....which really sound delicious after how she described it....so we, went to ps to get ice cream.

hahha...travelled to so many places in one day la!!
i think i shld have bought fish's cd...hmmm...nvm...

posted by -yourname-


still din manage to get my hp...bleah bleah...

im getting so uptight bout stuff...and i get totally annoyed when my schedule gets adjusted! when stuff gets removed, i get totally exasperated... today, two got removed, while only one got added...

bahxx....had lunch wuth yh yp fio yif and tarynn at nydc in e aft. half price!!! but all the food failed to meet my expectations...i'ld rather have deserts as my brunch.
slept a whole whooping 11 hours last night!
had to go for gp tuition today though...and it was so crowded!
bleahzz...and today's lesson was 4 whole hours!! and i've learnt nothing from it!

i dunno wads wrong with me...i take things so personally these days, and it gets on my nerve. itis so absurd to get angry at myself about stuff so minor. bahx. and it gets aggravated by the feeling of isolation. itis like, u may be with a group of friends physically, and may be enjoy the moment but after u part with them, the mood just darkens, everything gets so darn dull and boring!
all i want now is let life float away from me. it will be great not to feel the un-happiness.
perhaps itis jsut the post exam emotions, when u suddenly regain the freedom and im maladjusted. i cant rmmber if i felt the same for the previous years...but it feels horrible now.

posted by -yourname-



Size: 4.25" x 3" x 1.25" (11cm x 7.5cm x 3.2cm)
Weight: 0.4lb (0.2kg)
Film Type: 35mm (Negative, Slide, and B&W)
Lenses: 8 individual units
Serial Exposure time: Approx. total 2.5 seconds for all lenses to fire
Approx. Lens Aperture: f/8
Approx. Shutter Speed: 1/100 sec
Processing: Standard 35mm processing at any lab, supermarket, bullfight, etc

super sampler

6.5cm (2.5") x 3.25cm (1.25") x 10.15cm (4")
4 Panoramic 20mm Plastic Lenses
Two speeds available: 4 photos in 2 seconds (.50sec/photo) or 4 photos in 0.2 seconds (.05sec/photo)
0.3 meter (1') to infinity. No focus setting required.

holga fisheye
quite a nice photo huh :)
but this looks chim, with all the filters and im sure itis a whole lot of trouble dealing with the bulky body...

was eyeing on the when i first entered the lomo website...looks like an "easy-going" lomo. :)
although this also have the fliters, and in fact has 9, it looks less complicated!
yeap yeap, not so many pressable stuff around...and looks rather chic :)

but this only allows a single shot on a frame, which aint wad im searching for..

up next is the frogeye one...
dun think i'll be able to do shooting in the pool huh, pple will think tt im a pervert or sth...and...this is a single-shot-in-a-frame lomo too...another choice down...

then theres lomolitos single use...so not environmentally friendly huh!
anyway...i dun see anythign great bout this lomo...so, bye to u!


then theres colorsplash flash which's pics turn out to look just like the colorslash, thats why the name huh.

seagull....an ugly cam body and average hues in the photos.
this is how ugly it looks:

here is pop9
looks kindof cool....but i doubt the quality of the end product.
splitting the frame into 9 segments really makes the individual units really small....and perhaps beyond wad my pathetic eye i able to appreciate...

The Nine Lens Photo Camera by Lomography
Lens : 9 individual lenses. F=24mm, F/11
Format : All 35mm Flim
Range : 0.8m (2.5') - infinity
Surface : High-Polish Metallic Gold
Shutter : Mechanical, speed 1/100 second
Viewfinder Type : Direct Vision
Film Transport : Manual
Flash : Built-in electronic
Power : "AA" battery (alkaline recommended)
Dimensions : 30mm (1.15") x 62mm (2.5") x 115.5mm (4.5")
Processing : Developing is possible anywhere

all the 9 segments are captured in an instant, that makes the frame rather boring huh.yeap, this is out though it may be a rather attractive option if the price is low. :)

itis actually kindof the same for all...no focus setting required. sharp images, each unit taken a split second later, and u'll get brilliant images. sounds wonderful huh. i wanna experiment with a few of it...preferably the fisheye one and supersampler, they all seem damn cool huh...can get my bro to get for me(hopefully) one of these :)

posted by -yourname-


clara wong




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xcake @ blogskins || BABES

brushes: suburban || stargazer

Layout features a picture of various sneakers from the magazine BOON.