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less than two weeks more to As!! bahx...so not prepared...
din score that well for today's maths mock, making weird mistakes everywhere that i din manage to spot when i checked it.
felt that i wasted so much time...tavelling to sch and back takes like 2 whole hours, and another hour to slack around after the soporific bus ride...
yeap..so gonna die for A's. havent been doing econs, and dun think i shld do much bout it since reading sloman makes me write irrelevant stuff in my essay! and i've got no maths ppr to practise, and i suppose a lvls ll be easier than anything else? physics, been doing the tys, but cross out like half of the ppr deeming them outta syllabus. as for chem, the year-by-year book is too new for me to start, same for the topical one.
yeah...gp...the only thing tt i can say tt i'm spending most time in, a weekly consultation w cpl n lance...

went to collect my lomo pics jsut now. so disappointed man!!
all turned out to be rubbish! too grainy, too dark.
but my bro n i share different opinions on the cause of it.

oh ya...and i jsut cant seem to get mp3s into my fone...even when i use the programme tt came w the phone! heh.
yeap...one really nice album i've got here! by chen qi zhen :)
i guess itis still pop music, but itis not jsut any pop music, just very different and refreshing...

posted by -yourname-

tml will be the last official school day. yeap, no more of long school days, no more. yeap, thats only for the mpb! but the mpc is huge...no more of lessons tgt, no more recess tgt, no more of the not-so-successful-broken-wrist-syndrome of lance and zh, the fantastic four (ben t, tawzzeef, leow and zou li), the ytf gang(janzs u-jin n wjn) not that they eat ytf excessively now, the barker boys (lance leonard eric), forever-jumpy siran (hah! shld see the class foto taken on the track!), choir girls(gina and rach)-my p2 fren!!, mrc enthusiasts(px n jiaming), debators aka econs s gang(bent, zh, neha, eugene), d2 gang pple-dunno wad blah blah thing they always talk about during recess:P(zhenkeng, zouli...), daniel who kindly took over my role of sweet distributor, lionel(yeah, he aint that bad afterall lahzz...)
did i miss out anyone? hahaha...yeah...

tml is baccalaureate...the last day...only if lance stop talking about those super sad stuff!!! sighxx...good to end all the long stupid boring dull sch days packed with boring lessons rite!!
graduation nite when i was in sec 4, was sad. this is exactly THE feeling that itis a farewell nite, and we will never get to sit down again, together as a class, for lessons for lectures, through horrible scoldings, esp when tchers are pms-ing, kt giving us the long talks but also funny humourous and entertaining stories(lifestories! our legendary keith tan! haha...hope hez not so ego to google search his name lahz), the diligent sean tan (when we shld be the ones putting in more effort than him!), kind cpl who never declined having painstaking remedials with us who make her blood boils, fab soong(!) who is a super duper dedicated tcher(even though she may jsut view us a class, a normal, an ordinary class. but her tutorials were really useful!) and all our j1 tchers (though we all remonstrated, esp when we had to taken all the lessons in the sweltering hot weather when we had most of our tutorials in 4.08, no air con!)

this piece of memory is definitely memoriable, but it will definitely make me feel nostalgic. even more so if some kookoobird (esp lance) make us cry tml...

heres some fotos that we took today! :)

our class girls!! where did daph go?!?!
siran, me px, rach, wm, gina, neha! :)
taken before kt reach nl.

2sb1!! zl's face got block!! lionel not here too :(
this is at...2.10? not sure...anyway, ta-da! my class! :)

my pw group!! jm eug taws, me and px! nice nice foto!
(my mum said that eug is good looking when she saw the formal class foto tt we jsut recieved today! but, of course, second thoughts when she saw the rest...haha)eug is one guy who use alot of profanities! inundating many of his sentences with it. but definitely one guy who excels in his studies! :D and hez really good at maths(that wad i think! at least with his never-dying spirit, going to all means to get to the final ans even though it takes lotsa workings! lol)

taws! my "huh" partner! actually, he huh-s at me...but he is blur too, occassionally lahz. hahaha...my pw grp member! but makes fun of me :( hahaha...

did u see two bright lightbulbs in the photo!! the two person(ie gina and i) are superfluous there! hahaha....heres lance with his perfect complexion! and lance's beloved rach. nah, his beloved yauntie!(sorry rachael sorry rachael sorry rachael... =x mwuahahaha...funny duo. zh too! too bad hez not here. or else we'll see the perfect triangle relationship. hahaha...jj :)

hah. i better rmmber to bring tissue tml. if not for rach, it'll be for my ownself. hahaha...maybe lance? he seemed quite sad over our class having to split up after today....crap....so feel like crying now already.... hahaha.... esp after reading eug's blog!! although i cannot rmmber wad happened on the very first day i joined sb1(cuz i really wanted to leave ac when i got posted here, of course, God has not made the wrong choice for me!), but it wasn't the beginning that impressed me! itis every single one in the class! not having those scary conflicts and back-stabbing stuff in 2sb1 is definitely the very thing to be proud of! An equally thing that can land 2sb1 in due respect of many is our very home grown talents! lol...smarties like zh and neha jansz and wjn. they are smart but not at all selfish! really!

and, hey! taws seriously going to US?? no one to "huh" with me anymore?!!? :( this funny guy who is one of the fantastic four, but he is definitely one decent guy who dun use expletives as if they are just punctuations or pauses! haha...definitely more refined than leow! (just kidding...actually, not really.hahah)

posted by -yourname-


was surfing around, reading blogs (hopefully, this ll be the last time till a lvls are over) and...read a fren's blog... yeap, her horoscope is scorpio too...and she has this uncertainty and intense insecurity bout this...me too!! haha...is this just sth tied to being a scorpio? hah. maybe im thinking too much, but i just somehow think and believe in all those horoscpe destiny stuff.
yeasterday was pap's bdae....but din get him any present, so i decided to pretend tt i forgot the whole thing all together. perhaps it aint a very right thing to do, but, 18 years of dunno-wad-to-get-for-him-for-bdae is kindof sickening. sighx...maybe i'll be able to afford more worthy stuff when i grow up. hmmm...such imaginations which are bound to be unrealistic. yeah, was leow's bdae too. but tired of msging bdae msges, hah. maybe im just tired of life.

got both my new hp (w800i) and syz's new album on sat. with that, im suppose to be over-joyed rite? but im such a lousy mood these few days. get frustrated with myself very easily, and easily annoyed by pple around me. im not pmsing! heh. nvm. maybe jsut, JUST, exam stress.
yeah...had a small talk with sean tan after consultation today, w lance too. yeap....hez like kindof elitist (no flaming here!) but, yeap. but, no doubt, hez really good at teaching, perhaps excelled in his studies too. maybe not intelligence, but mere diligence lahz...yeah...and now im getting even more not confident of myself. oh fine, im suppose to be striving hard to improve my grades, but it doesn't help if im feeling so insecure all over!

wadeva. i like my hp :D
baccalaurette this thurs. beneficial/harmful? merits/demerits? MPC/MSC? blahz...

posted by -yourname-


yeap yeap. a special month! :D
hahaha...not that im expecting anything on the special 28th, but, i simply want a normal day such that i can have a perfectly normal routine day and it wont spoil my studying schedule (still havent finish planning. lol).
aiya...just want a nice bdae cake. it falls on a friday, so, yeah. may i have a wonderful mugging day :) lol(that will be the most loserfied wish that i ever hoped for)

anyway...went to the dentist jsut now...the filling on the crown tooth on my bottom jaw, left side, dropped out yesterday nite when i was brushing my teeth. and according to the dentist, theres alot fo decay stuff. and i bet everyone remembers those horrible experiences, itis not the plucking out tooth part that is intimidating, but the squeaky sounds when he drills into ur tooth, and the digging into the decay tooth and poking on ur nerve giving u the weird sensation, as if some electric current when thru ur body for a split second.
yeah, anyway. itis done! yeah, hope this ll be the last time i visit a dentist.

actually, i oso wanna go overseas to study...at least theres a wider variety of possible careers i can go into, and possibly sth like that of archi or some slacking job ;) hahaha...im actually keen on office work, but i must MUST have a big table and a hectic schedule (that wld make me feel more useful. lol) yeap...but other career options like leading expeditions or zoo keeper is kindof interesting too! but i wld first go for a job that pays alot :D

that aside, i kindof figured how to score better in exams. taht is to reduce the no of hours spent in front of the tv and the comp! wjn barely watch any tv or use the internet, zh only watches one hour of tv a day, lance bout one hour too, rach only watches the 7 oclock show....yeah...maybe that one or two hours really did matter alot. oh ya, and they are pple who can tolerate with a mere 6 hours of slp a day! i can barely survive with 8 hours. heh.
hahaha...used to watch like 6 hours of tv on weekends and 3 on weekdays during the period before prelims. and now, ive reduced it to just 2 hours a day! yeah...at least i dun use much of the comp now :) problem is, i cant just give up my tv like that. all the ncie shows and stuff....sighx...
anyway...first step is to not come online!! :D
yeap. that will do. that is enough.

sch is ending next week. sighx... having mixed feelings bout it...good that the laborious sch days is coming to an end. but that will be the last day that we come to sch in uniform, and have lessons. aint it a pity that we'll spend that last day mugging?

posted by -yourname-


clara wong




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brushes: suburban || stargazer

Layout features a picture of various sneakers from the magazine BOON.