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You Are Rain
You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming.Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you.
You are best known for: your touch
Your dominant state: changing
What Type of Weather Are You?

sometimes wad churns out of these survey is so superficial, so untrue...wad options i chose in that survey, i did gave it some thought before choosing it...but, i dun wanan be cold and unwelcoming... wadeva la... i just want the rain. hahaha....havent been raining these few days...

yeap..aside from the busy work stuff...i wld think im rather happily being occupied with stuff....but upon deeper thoughts...isn't all those merely engaging urself with mindless activities....
just like this year's chinese new year....reunion dinner at po po's hse...enjoy myself thoroughly...with cousin, seeing them that they've changed a great deal again! even my distant neice and nephew, who are older than me! mostly, more sensible....less shrieky...good thing?

and chu yi...the new generation taking over the mahjiong table...and i havent get to win one game then! then my blackjack session! new blood joining the round table...and i've won some money, as always! :D though the banker dun really lose every year, im sure to win every year! lol...yeap...this whole thing aint really about money, really. my uncle wasnt sore about losing a hundred from being the banker....and i guess all of us enjoyed thoroughly! and may he recover from his heart problem...and be receptive to those medical treatments....
dinner was as usual, at the round table.
victoria sat between my bro and i this year...shez so skinny and she only eat as little as her younger brother, jonah who is only 2 years old! victoria is primary 2 already! anyways....shez one brilliant newbie when it comes to playing blackjack! she already won one week of her pocket money already! 10 bucks! maybe thanx to milky! :)

chu er...which is today...went over to grandparents'(of my mum's side) hse. and they din prepare lunch this year! so, we were late for the temple thing cuz we had to fill our tummies first....then we headed to the temple at sengkang there...all of them had left for my uncle's hse! yeap...then we headed to my uncle's hse at jalan suga-sth-sth at seragoon grdns there....joined my cousins in the room....talked quite a bit...but how much i actually understand about them, is so little.

i shall continue blabbering anyway...after spending like a day and a half with them, how much i actually do know of them is so little! this year, jonah and zachery may not have recognise my face my name or even who i am how im related to them! but in a few years' time, it's gonna be like victoria learning my name, recognising me as her cousin....but i am only to realise that year by year. such abrupt changes...and sometimes we wont give a heck about it. but now i do. it is sad to say bye to a cousin so sweet so talkable, and to see myself as a stranger in her eyes one year later. it hurts! fortunately, this isn't permanent, cuz im forgetful. or is this my misfortune? sighx...wish victoria(the elder one), and yuan yuan all the best for their PSLE this year and amelia for her O's.

i think i just hate to see things break. had class gathering today...watched fun w dick and jane. din really find it hilarious...dunno why, but i dun find comedies that funny anymore...to see dick and jane painful in their family crisis, with their face swollen from beatings and "side-effects" of an experiment, i din find that funny at all! oh well...i think i just have to view things differently, how cliche. and din get a photo taken with those botaks today! they are the only few who seems to change a great deal!

anyways...happy chinese new year. :)

posted by -yourname-


cant find shan hu hai's lyrics!
anyways....i think i've changed alot since i grad from ac...at least about how i percieve myself and stuff arnd me. definitely in a bad way...im getting more n more indecisive, and i hate that, and i simply don't care much about stuff around me anymore....no more of saving paper even when i can save a stack of it by allowing myself to think for a second before printing....and, i barely give a thought to giving up seats for the old pple....
sighx...yeah, bought the dress eventually. and made a trip back there today to buy a the tube top. yeap...made a count, i've been to bugis street 4 times within 10 days...that place is one tt i almost never frequent in the past! and now, i barely go orch anymore....
i wanna watch elizabeth town...
watched honey just now on hbo...and i no longer think that itis a superb movie anymore. maybe it is just the theatre that makes the whole movie more enticing....i thought i was very touched when jessica alba did up the concert to raise funds for the dance sch to educate the kids....but today, i aint. no longer...

posted by -yourname-


radio playing syz's yi yang de xia tian...really nice song! :)
have been super sickly recently...im e only one who got the flu bug from my mum, or maybe from my neighbour at my office...
and i just rmmbered tt i forgot to print sth at work today...
and the computer at e office is freaking slow... if im a permanent stuff there, i'll sure modify the computer!! it takes like 5 seconds to save one excel document and i need to be wary of the number of documents tt i open in case it hangs! and, when i say 5 seconds. it is very long, too long to keep me sane at work...
reading newspapers totally lost its purpose...
in secondary sch, i read it to prepare myself in case i ever want to write about argumentative essays for exams..
in jc, i read it so that i can get all e examples and content from there for my gp essays...and also, an excuse to watch the 9pm show!
now...im browsing it for advertisements....for the colourful pictures...
used to feel quite agitated over stuff tt i hear or read. now i dont.

anyway...had damn nice chocolate mousse macadaemia cake this aft! yeah...i had alot of it. hah. in exchange for doing something as relaxing as stapling stuff! :)

posted by -yourname-


The good rain has gone...lightning still splits the bruised sky...
i'm so in the mood to blog...but my brain is totally drained, and wad i've been up to today is nothing except stuff, routine...
yeah...work, somehwat interesting, somewhat tiring.
i just have to change my mindset about my ideal type of work, which is:
-- NOT simple stuff like keying in data
-- a LARGER workspace, i wanna bring my cat cushion, my many soft toy clips things, and my nemo fish in a orange container. also, a space to put the many containers tt i would have to put my snacks n candies!
-- internet connection!
-- a lcd monitor
-- a CLEAN keyboard
-- optical wireless mouse (the wire is really a fuss when i do my stuff!!)
-- able to store my music in e comp so tt i can listen from e comp instead of using e batt-draining mp3 player

yeah...if it aint an office job,
i want it to be sth tt i get to wear shorts or wear jeans and wear t-shirts! then i can run all around the city!! i dun wanna drive though...so, it'll probably a package deliver. DHL express? hmmm...

yeah..for now, i'll just have to tolerate...and maybe i'll love it in e end! oh ya! there ll be deductions from my pay when there is public holidays and when i take mc or leave! how pleasant can this job get man....

sighx...all i can do now is to fantasize...
GONE is my fantasy of a perfect rented room....my perfect table, perfect lighting, perfecct lamp, perfect seat.

sis just came in to ask why im nt gg for syz's concert...168 for the best seats, i think. and ive nv been to one in indoors...it'll take up like a third of my salary if i go!! freak man...this really sucks...

it seems like im trying to colour my life when these colours gonna fade with the tiniest blow.

posted by -yourname-


was watching "The Exorcist- The Beginning" just now...so scary!! had to stop after watching half of it...blahx...luckily, theres some entertaining stuff on 22, sharapova vs this monica person...phew...sharapova won marginally for the last set esp the last point! and now, i think channel 8 having some scary show...blahx...kindof missing my mum now!! using i'll have her to brave these scary shows w me! sigh...
anyway...just realised i lost my earring yesterday! dunno how it came off since it has always been quite tight...and i lost the ear bud thingy of my ear phone! sighx...

working has been nice...although wad we're handling now are just really easy stuff, but it is already quite taxing!!! and i was having a very sweet neighbour - jeannie! but now im moving to my buddy's row....and i think theres quite abit of office politiks there....hmmm...and i did see pple like chit chatting away...jia zhua-ing! can't forget fio's joke bout the "high" thingy and the "eating snake"! yeah...signed up for this dance thing w yh, at this ulu ultra ulu looking place...hope they wont end up cheating our money!
yeah...and im now suffering from broken blisters on my 4th toe on both feet...showing all the raw skin and i cant even twist my toe, else it'll be painful...

yeap...mos wasnt nice....this entry is boring...im tired...
oh ya! i did laundry today! :) 3 batches of it! so pro lo!!
and i cleaned up 2 of e hamster cages....and im sure my whitey is enjoying his clean home now! :)

posted by -yourname-


first day of work...nth much to say oso...u-jin's party was nice, a mini class gathering but there was loads of pple from other class....px came late but brought duper nice cookies! :) super duper duper nice! :)
yeah...hmmm.........sth queer of today...perhaps when i said words like "i think", "i'm not sure" i was on a whispering tone or pple just turned deaf upon hearing them. they always ignore it! oh well...lessons were quite enjoyable but abit tedious...yeap...gotta go catch up some slp!!

posted by -yourname-


still havent got my resolutions stuff down yet..
but, i just wanna exploit this blog of mine to vent my anger!
yeah, i need to quit getting angry so easily!
but itis just so frustrating when u are trying to organise sth for a grp of pple to meet up, and trying to accomodate someone who has a 50% or like 100% of not being able to come! not just once!
damn idiotic la! it takes so much to please everyone!
and reply "i dunno when...u check la" isit incumbent upon me? am i suppose to organise, accomodate, check for this and that and this and that and whatsoever! !

im cranky today.

and my sis enjoyed ridiculing me, rebuking me when i said that "the function of the double white line painted on the roads serves a purpose to indicate to drivers that (1)they are not suppose to cross it, and (2)not suppose to park on either sides of the road", where she happily, ignorantly said that i'm wrong. when i just JUST took my BTT! similarly, my mum joined in the fun, while dad n sis's husband listened, perhaps enjoying the lucridity of the situation.
guess what, my sis din stop there, she continued to tell my bro about it, as if it was a pleasant story like a fairy tale to be shared in the family and disseminated around her office(i'm sure this will happen if i did not correct her today).
never did she know that, i can, i can, flip to page 32 of the handbook thing to erupt the total fiasco of the incident. oh well, she went silent. i totally cant trust road users anymore! oh ya, shez a reckless driver, really. cutting infront of drivers abruptly, coming to a halt from 60km/h within like 2 seconds! glad that she is contented with the car model shez driving, which is rather narrow, not risking so much of her life, and not putting others lives in jeopardy(not as great if she drove a bmw or merc).

im angry.

posted by -yourname-


yeah...haven't got my new year resolutions down yet...
but i think "be healthier" will be on e list...
coughing just got worse since yesterday...maybe from e consecutive days of karaoke sessions. bleahx.
anyway. first post of the year shall b a happy one!
nt that i really am now...groggy from e medicine. *pukez*
oh well...end here :)

posted by -yourname-


clara wong




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xcake @ blogskins || BABES

brushes: suburban || stargazer

Layout features a picture of various sneakers from the magazine BOON.