whoopies! just found out that tml, tuesdays are my usual longest days, my 8-4 day can be cut down to just a 12-1 day! from 7 hours of lessons to just one! wows!! and then i can climb more tml!
haha...that is if i watch maths webcast myself, and that i've got no conferencing for ctw tml, and that living for chem is not on a tutorial basis yet. wow....so many things tt are still tentative.
aye...at least i can skip maths lect to sleep late. let's hope!
i feel like a bum. so useless....i dun even know who are the pple in my msn! i saw this person under the "nus.chess camp" categ, who has a nick that bears some similarity to a book lying on my table, then i felt like talking to him/her. but i realise i dunno who is that person at all....aye....how? haha..
posted by -yourname-
am doing the teamwork anakysis II for MNO. it gets me into the verbal vomit mood. where im all about myself. how disgusting huh. hahaha....ayes...im in a blogging mood now!! but i shall swallow my vomit and return to mno.
posted by -yourname-
just returned from my sis's husband's sis's wedding. a perfect union between charles alexandre brown and jamie seah! i liked this night at raffles hotel...a really nice place to be...and it's complicated like a labyrinth! lol...big big place!
nice stone paved entrance....aye....dinner was delicious...aye...i just love wedding dinners. oh ya! most imptly, the guest were good. guys in at least long sleeves, if not, suits. girls in nice pretty dresses. that's the way man! i just hate pple who wear sloppy shirts and jeans for wedding dinners!
and they had a live band there! sweet. i never did know that i love jazz songs that much, not till today. actually, im not sure wad genre of songs it was...but the band performed in the jazz-y way. and it was whoopingly great!
one of which is this! heard this song in "I am Sam"...that movie has really got great songs! :)
both songs are performed by Louis Armstrong. the second song is actually quite common, but itis also played in "love me if you dare" (that was a once-in-a-lifetime bestest movie! with the pretty cute G-sth-sth guy inside, right smo? hah.)
I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.
The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin......i love you.
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
Theyll learn much more.....than Ill never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
(instrumental break)
The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin...*spoken*(I ....love....you).
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
*spoken*(you know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than Ill never know)
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.
La Vie En Rose Lyrics
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche,
Voil¨¤ le portrait sans retouches
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.
Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.
Il est entr¨¦ dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.
C'est lui pour moi. Moi pour lui
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jur¨¦ pour la vie.
Et d¨¨s que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat
Des nuits d'amour ¨¤ ne plus en finir
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
Des ennuis, des chagrins, des phases
Heureux, heureux ¨¤ en mourir.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.
Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.
Il est entr¨¦ dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.
C'est toi pour moi. Moi pour toi
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jur¨¦ pour la vie.
Et d¨¨s que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat
aye...as for my bdae...haha...i tot of uploading some photos such that it'll be self explanatory...but i always end up being too lazy to do so. anyways, the current, the future is more impt than the past right? furthermore, i dun feel save typing everything here anymore. hahah...alrighties...shall end here for now.
posted by -yourname-
I melt when the one I love holds me close.
When I look into the eyes of the one I love, my mind is filled with thoughts of romance.
I sense my body responding when the one I love touches me.those were the questions posted in my management and organisation subject pool survery la...and u are suppose to pick an option of "never", "seldom", "often", "always" for every of the questions.
and i find them totally outta pt la....
aye. that's all for now ah...cant be bothered to blog further...yawnzz
posted by -yourname-
looking at
these for my bdae cake. gotta share with my brother, which i would definitely mind if i was much younger. i was quite a typical spoilt brat, and i would insist on having my own cake. and i was once pissed off that i got a haagen daz chocolate ice cream cake when i wanted a cookies n cream one. hahah...those were the time when ice cream cakes were THE thing....
haha...anyway....i've been indulging on lotsa cakes over the weekend...dunno why but i had the fortune to please my sweet tooth with 4 types of cakes over the weekend. mwuahaha....
sweet of the climbing team pple to celebrate the oct babies bdae today! yeaps...nice fruit cake topped off with jensen's more than sheer palatable peanut butter cookies! yummies.... anyways, there's just weimin and i for this month...so many more for sept man!
anyways....horror of horrors! i got kidnapped! that was like 7 hours ago..when i was dreaming in my sleep! there were a group of us who were held up at this deserted hut on top of a cliff. nice breeze, cool air, great scenery, but all at the wrong time. i was among the last few who got brought away from the hut. got driven in a blue merc (the blue is of the shade that was so blue so vivid, imagine scgs uniform blue that was given greater saturation and brighter) to an open field.
er....i wld like to deposit that dream here and let it not haunt me! haha...gtg slp :D in hall alone for tonite...rommie has gone home...and i must rmmber to lock the door later...the chill in the air makes me feel unsafe...lol...im not making sense
posted by -yourname-
i remember how i used to plunge my finger into the jar of nutella chocolate jam, and i'll savour the thick creamy flavours with delight.
i had my daily share of fun where children around my age will cycle around the area, and maybe doing some dangerous stunts at times; while most of the time, we'll just speed, down the slopes, over the many humps, just for the pure thrill of it. i even broke a car's headlight when i lost control while flying over a hump and rammed into the car's beautiful body.
i will wake up at 9 to watch my early kids programme on television, and i'll do all the exercises from the assessment books that my mum told me to do. and in the evening, i'll watch my cartoons on cartoon network.
i used to be contented with little stuff like that. perhaps those were the ambition-less days. i had no goals, no stress, no worries. when i was that young, i only thought of the goods of being older, being out of my mum's radius of control. oblivious that the following 7, 8 or even 9 decades will be the worst of the days. oh well, i'm on my way to hell now. what can i do except to persevere on?
posted by -yourname-
i'm going to tell whoever in charge that im quitting DP!
haha....hope there's no fine imposed or something, dun want to be waste more money on this after being forced to buy that 13 bucks bash tix that i never did and wanted to go for.
aye. i'm in such a stony mood today. and i wanna go home, maybe stare at the scenery out of the balcony before we're to move out months later. can i go home this week?
skipped a lecture yday. skipped another lecture today. but nothing accomplished from the hours gained, not even the very much needed slp.
rightt....im in the mood for some curry with rice now! hall dinner today suck to the core....serving was small, and it was all deep fried when im already feeling so sick of the oily food. i miss the steam fish, boiled brocolli with oyster sauce, stir-fried asparagus with fresh mushrooms and carrot, lotus soup, stir fried chai sim with pork that is slightly fatty, steamed sliced chicken with cut chinese sausages and sliced dried mushroom.
i dun mind the jap mushroom with miced porkball and tofu soup too!
aye...hungry now....alrighto...gotta go pop some plastics into my eyes and spit them the words that i've been thinking to tell them. hahha....im quitting this! what if i go into a downward spiral and quit everything all together? climbing team then sub club? hahaha...i feel like keeping myself in a cacoon now...
posted by -yourname-
feeling so sick all over...maybe cuz of the dance yday nite...coupled with the climbing i did tt afternoon. guess they sapped away all my energy. but good thing is i didnt fall aslp for the 8-10 mle lect! reason bcuz two of my frens sitting in front of me were dozing off, and it's just so interesting to watch them struggling to keep awake that u wont feel like slping anymore! and of course, the person snoring behind me also helped kept me awake. hurhur...
haha...wanted to go climbing w cynthia...but too tired la...got project meeting later...and dance again today! bleah...
what should i do now? study or sleep? haha...let's flip coin.
rightt....study! and maybe sleep after studying for 5 min! :D
posted by -yourname-
i think im climbing too much for my own good. though im definitely far from being good at it.
now im not even very much bothered to catch up wad i've slept through during lectures...esp the mno tb, it has been left undisturbed for about a month already?
and i havent step into the central library since the mid sem exams? oh, i've been there once with ky n yp, but it was made a chatting session and listen-to-music session...
anyways...i so wanna join the engin club sub com...esp rag and the foc! but looking at the frequency that i go climbing, i really cant do it. eusoff hall dp is gonna be 3 times a week from now onwards, and two of the three sessions only ends at mn! furthermore, climbing is 4 or 5 times for me a week. aye. opportunity cost huh. im just too greedy for this, and it makes me regret joining certain stuff.
but i cant wait for tml's dance! it's gonna be freda teaching hip hop dance or sth along tt line!! yays...no contemporary for me(yet)! :D
wad has happened to me and my cameras? sighx...i miss going around with fellow enthusiasts, and also the lonely walks along the river when sun sets. sometimes, being in the crowd and being alone just blends so well into ur life that u end up loving both at the same time.
aye...guess im not making much sense anymore...maybe i'll go cramp some maths into myself now, before i surrender for bed in the next second? (:
posted by -yourname-
just realise a trend: i will blog every sunday! haha...it's the time when i'll be sitting comfortably on my retro-looking chair, legs propped up onto the table and laptop on my laps. this is the few moments that makes me feel that it is worth coming home every weekend. yays, and maybe i'll catch up with my hk drama serials tml morn. yippies!! :)
oh yas!! i've got a new home...so happy :D just along the same road. i used to find it ridiculous that people move house to just a block away which is along the same st! yet, im doing it. but this time, i'll be having tennis courts and swimming pool! whoopies...yeah, ang moh or jap neighbours....cute kids as neighbours! whoopies! but my room will be smaller than my current room! bleahx.
anyways...nothing's change. nothing new. just perhaps more worried about the work piling up. and tired out by the many thoughts and stuff still swirling in my head...
was so tempted to walk home from ps. im such a walker! :D but got deterred by e stupid haze and my heavy bag.
watched "scoop". was an "alright" movie. din have any idea of wad e movie was about i nitially and expected a romance comedy or sth from e impression of e poster...in e end, it was somewhat a comedy, but nothing much about romance(i think) and i got quite disappointed by e ending!! and i was like so sleepy! almost dozed off during the movie, and im sure that this movie aint that boring!
posted by -yourname-
i shall slack for this weekend at least. and maybe cramp in some stuff over the free nights during the 2 free and non-shagged-out nights i have during the weekday.
copied this from my climb team friend...
sometimes, you just happen to be at the right place with the right person.but at the wrong time.
as i climb more, the more i learn about this world and how life works.using brute force may get you somewhere, but it's unsightly, and it draws criticism from everyone. doing the right thing at the right time is what's important.that's where technique comes in.a simple movement can relieve you of pain and suffering.that's where footwork comes in.there is no point holding on to something so tightly that it stifles nothing but you.that's where tile-holding comes in.never give up until you know what you are intending to do next is gonna hurt you or someone else.that's where determination and willpower comes in, along with a dose of sensibility.a wall with many colourful tiles.which one to hold,which one to step on? which tiles will you choose for your route to your end-tile? an easy unchallenging one or a killer which will bring you satisfaction and pride upon completion? your choice. your approach.i want to climb better. i want to win. but i also want to find peace in climbing. this is where balance comes in.when will i find the perfect route?
maybe never, but i'll wait and see.
true, but i would like to add another perspective to it.
what if the "correct" way to top the route differs for different people. tall people and short people might have to test the route differently, but both leads to the final tile. the taller one might find the short's way of attempting the route strenuous, and vice versa. but each attempt made by each individual is perfectly tailored to his/her physical attributes.
and who says that we have to use crimper as a crimper? a jug as a jug?we were taught what most of the rest we told previously. why cant we set our own style? begin our virgin climbing experience with our own style? do it your way.
all that said. the root to the problem might simply be inspiration. inspired to get down to it. to do it, and complete it. we need not be influence by peer pressure by peer influence. just be yourself, do what u think u shld do or what u want to do despite it being wrong or against ur ideals.
peace in climbing. very well said. i need my peace in life. i need inspiration.
darn. how did i end up in climbing and speak in climbing linggo!
i miss tennis. alot.
so what's the correct method to take to read this entry? did i mean everything here literally or figuratively? my ans would be, somewhere in between the both.
posted by -yourname-
it's gonna be another hour or two before i "book in" to hostel.
kindof dreading it already. but i'll be able to sleep in later for tml, cuz mle lecture is off for this week. and i'm having conflicting feelings about this. no lect means i can finally not wake up at 7 or 8. but i will be missing out on someone. yeah, i'm still stuck in this quandary. i will make sure that things remain stagnant and then i will forget.
life can just be as confusing as this volume control on this PC.
you can control the volume through the knob on the speakers, the volume control on winamp, or the program on e comp(cretive volume control).
In life, there's more options than the mere three, and we have to make choices. To exhaust all three, or choose one blindly, or not choose at all. I am directionless yet again. But i shall walk my life.
posted by -yourname-
what will you do when i accidentally punctured a cookie in a bag of cookies?what will you do when you see a flaw in a life tangled in flaws?will you try to remove it? definitely for me in the first case....but when it gets all too complicated, it is just a matter of letting it be. let it be unresolved, mystified.after climbing at TP today...abandoned the team and went with lining to the tampines mall....abandoned my original plan of going for volunteer work. wanted more time for myself.it's time like this that i realise i'm a vulnerable girl....one who is afraid to commit, afraid to go for it, afriad to let it go, and let me go. i guess the only thing that i'm not afraid of is to hesitate. alighted at city hall anyways...walked home from there....took the fort canning route, for a reason perhaps. and i never noticed that it had changed so much. took a photo with my hp and did some editing. here it is! 
posted by -yourname-