so pretty are they not? hah. hope wad my fren say bout them is really true. about them taking the injuries for u. as in they will get their limbs broken for u! hah. quite rubbish they may sound. but i think one of them will be dead quite soon looking at how i have to jay walk busy roads everday. hurs.
aights...my mum just gave me a dress down. she wants me home after my dental. hurs....i wld like to be back home to nua anyway! hah. gym clean up sounds laborious...but fun! oh well. not so much of a dilemna since im sure i'll be down for it anyhow. and missing out e bbq unless my gluttony acts on me! the photoshoot wld suck. i'll have to ransack my wardrobe n might not find anything decent enuf for it.
n bidding is tml! i better nt forget! i'll kill myself if i do. hurs..i mean kill one of my voodoo.

arrived ou nang to this. the black dots thingy are the long boats! had to trek those sort of distances during low tides to get them them!
first nite by the beach. hurs. it was some guy, no hez not engulfed in a ball of fire. hez playing some stunts with the fireballs or sth. aye...pity i cldnt get any nice photos of fireworks tt nite!

dear fluffy! gonna miss u!

caving day! hah. walking through bumpy sandy rocky surfaces in darkness is no joke. esp when u have no idea that missing a step might have u smashed against hard sharp rocks or sth. thankfully i did not have that amount of light the make me shiver! hah
when we were in it! hah bad lighting as u can see, best we cld make out of.
taiwan wall. er...im sure i got the spelling wrong, but it sounded like tt. hurs. dun get decieved by the ht. we're only gonna abseil down 10m! hee
ky n qx! so happy aint they! hah

artistic shot attempt by me! haha...my slippers is damn good at changing color la! first day it was so muddy. then it was so clean from all the scrubbing frm e sand then it got dirty again from all e trekking. hah. nice shot! :D

another artistic attempt. colossal look. and bugger, u have much to learn! ur shot of me was ewwww....it's suppose to make u look taller or sth. but u made me look short n fat! hah.

er er....no i wont post the fhm version of it! bwuahaha...darns. how maluating!aights....this ladder reminds me of jack n the bean stalk sortof feeling! heee...the ladder was damn cool! and splinter-less! hah.

end of the day. finally reached tonsai beach again. end of the high steps n extreme low steps of the day! tiring it was! haha...

nice sky eh!! low tide again! aye...

on our way to krabi town!! :D hurs....do i look like i was riding e scooter? i was only pillioning. darns. i know my driving skills sucks. but it was just my first attempt at it wad! haha...guess i got most of my tan tt day, n nt from e climbg days. weird.

another artistic attempt. i really love this shot. would have been better with my lomo cam or sth. somehow i feel that this is the kind of shot to be captured on film. digital is just not worthy of such a shot.

hurs....ah ma!!! bag-hanger for the moment! aye

1237 steps it was! steps of all variations! :)

at the top of it.

and i have no clue why. sighx. oh well.

this shot feel so like my blog template aint it!

the night mkt!! food food food! the most delicious ones aint here anyways! hah. it's fun gg arnd pickg up snacks to taste. oh ya, and of course having a rubbish bin by ur side to clear up the remainings, right bugger? lol

im no alcoholic. i did run, but but! aye...this photo is nice!!! so colourful! hahs.

end of the day...tryg to act cool or sth. of course i failed terribly eh! hah

bamboo sticky rice! heee...so cute! aye....the day...a bad start. internet at tonsai was crap and bidding stuff cldnt be done. aye....totally spoilt the climbing mood la....but anyways....that din quite dampened the eating mood! heee....

er...another artistic attempt! heee...ky n sheryl! at the...dum's kitchen, i think! (:

at chai's place(think i got e spelling wrong!) aye....those wooden pawns r really cool! aye....another artistic shot! heee

deep water solo day...of course those on e cliffs aint us la! aint even strong enough to lift ouselves up the ropes! heee....but thanx to them that we got nice photos! heee....it was yet another slacking day! (: er...the day we got damn alot of injuries too!

last day! cutie cat couldnt resist us and had to enter our room...and and...that cat is a gay!! bwuahaha....yeapos...

aights again artistic. hurs. too bad the model inside spoilt the whole picture! lol

aye....this photo felt so movie-ish. hmmmmm.....dunno how to explain but the numbers n letters spells codes that hides mysteries. hah. wadeva. last photo here. im done! yays