humidity. humidity of saturated gas. percentage humidity. humidity head. himid volume. saturate volume. relative humidity. percentage relative humidity.
do they all sound pretty much the same to u? to me too.
to add on to it, there's others related to tt topic. superheated vapour, dew point, degrees of superheat.
aye...not gna have any progress at tis rate la. pulled out the stack of cn1111 stuff. mistaken them for cm1502 instead. sucks. i have no idea how i am suppose to remember the conversions and the blah blah stuff. just to name a few. Dalton's law, Van der Waals equation of state, virial equation of state, van der waals coefficients, clapeyron equation, antoine equation, classius clapeyron equation,raoult's law, extended raoult's law, henry's law, rate of adsorption, rate of desorption, langmuir isothem, ....the list goes on, that was jus e tip of e iceberg, jus the very first chapter. n one will need to know e the application of e formula, tweak e formula arnd, find the logarithm of it, find the differentiation or intergration of it to fit the question. hurs. good job. i have found myself a place in chem engin. im doing a charitable act of pushing everyone a rank up the academic list. a pretty long commitment tt is.
9 crimes
leave me out with the waste this is not what i do
it's the wrong kind of place to be thinking of you
it's the wrong time for somebody new
it's a small crime and i got no excuse
and is that alright yeah?
i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright yeah?
if you don't shoot it how am i supposed to hold it?
is that alright yeah?
i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright yeah, with you?
leave me out with the waste this is not what i do
it's the wrong kind of place to be cheating on you
it's the wrong time she's pulling me through
it's a small crime and i got no excuse
and is that alright yeah?
if i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright yeah?
if you don't shoot it how am i supposed to hold it?
is that alright yeah?
i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright?
is that alright with you?
is that alright yeah?
if i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright yeah?
if you don't shoot it how am i supposed to hold it?
is that alright yeah?
i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright
is that alright with you
and is that alright yeah?
is that alright
is that alright
is that alright with you?
pretty sad lyrics huh. saw a fren's nick called nine crimes. hah pretty cool to see someone infatuated over e same song as u at e same time huh. aye kindof hooked onto his other old song oso. blower's daughter. hah found it damn familiar when i heard it on radio. n only realise tt it's tt song used in closer!
ah wellls....back to studies. hurs....
aye matlab's term assignment's over. twas pretty crap.
here's the mess. ok. it's nt tt messy cuz tt chunky book concealed the piles of notes. lol

hah was arranging CN stuff in e morn. then realise, to my horror. that i actually missed out chapter4! aiyo....and it was actually posted in february. hohoho. how to study like tt!
shucks. excuses one after another. hah.
CM mid terms results r out. hah flunk it! lol....CN results were so crappy too.
aye....time to panic.
hoho. spent and hour trying to figure out odeset.
gave up.
tried another method, which i think is quite cheater. lol...but ah wells. i tot that kindof gave me the correct graph tt i want in 2minutes! hahaha cheap thrill...lil by lil i'll conquer matlab. hahaha i mean the basics of basic matlab.
sucks la.
sucks. exams nearing and 2 crappy assignments due soon.
doesnt deter me frm daydreaming anyhows.
let me list the things i wanna do after exams. hoho if im nt dead by then. hmmss
- to ensure my pocket money keeps rolling in, i need to start packing my stuff into the boxes. movers coming over on 21st may. and i needa pack my bro's room n somehow help to pack the hse if that's possible.
- learn sth! hah stuff that were on my list are still on my list. hah i nv got the chance to accomplish them. learn brialle or sign lang. electric guitar. drums. lindy hop. etc etc
- hoho armed with the antique-ish analog SLR and rolls of diff sortof films and start snapping away! before my current home gets tear down esp.
- doodle, "vandalise" the walls of my room at my current home!
- bake sth. hah. nt sure if new home has got the oven. oh wells.
- Oooh realised i still owe lance n chaps e tennis sessions. hah better brush up before i play w em or sth.
- this shld b somewhere high up there on e priority list, but it's ranked number 7 here. hahah climb more! shucks and use my brain when i climb!lol
- learn hw to drive! so scary la! ah wells...
hmmmm.....gna start on assignments! gone gone!