school's been pretty good. lectures arent that boring, yet. the coming weeks aint that optimistic though. in-class participation, in-lect quizzes, forum participation jus aint my cup of tea. sucks to be forced to go for lects, n buy the txtbks. i mean, i always intended to buy tt txtbk, but but, nt when being threatened.
oh well....
found tis toilet sign pretty intriguing.
hah tanglin mall is really like meant for mothers huh...ah wells...they even have a breastfeeding room! lol
tada! psychos! aye...most prolly e last proper gathering till next year's union camp. ah wells....dun have alot of photos w me...but below consist of row 1: the 5 chem enginnerds! heee
glutton valerie, like me? lolmy senior-junior, hopefully gna b my junior again.row 2:the girls councillors! heee....pity tt vicky fell ill :(us councillors present todayrow 3:bdae boy! hohoho...hope we din end up eating his saliva in e end. hahthe pangseher, cum chem enginnerd! hohoh chess camp pageant leh...da-S, xiao-S with the babe tonite!

posted by -yourname-
sch term has begun. been having damn long days since mon. almost a 7am-11pm outta home days. n it's rly shag.hah but today's diff!yeappies...woke up 6.30 for a jog. so proud of myself for being able to pull myself outta bed despite the lack of slp n lousy days i had before tt.then....came back...had ample of time for bfast. and that felt good. rarely had tis luxury even during tt 3mth of hols! then....arranged the mess of notes n organised them and packed my bag for the lectures later. had lunch, savouring every moment of it. back to my 30 odd times of chewing for a spoonful of food. yea love the way i squander away time.hah then off for lect i go! finally brought the correct notes n not slp thru any of them! all thanx to a bimbotic book tt i got from rif n all last yr for bdae! hahahamet wai n ryl quite a few times today. the sight of them jus make my day, somehow! hurs....anyhow....went for stats lect in e end despite the persistent devil in me persuading me to jus skip them all. yeaps, n it was good, save for the horrifying flight of stairs i had to ascend in order to reach the lt. i finally met my bro's fren's sis! hahaha....our "friendship" started damn long ago la. mayb tis's nt mutual, but i knew of her existence since wad, when i was in pri sch? lol...our brothers were the same age, n me n her r too. so we became our brothers' game of comparison. n now, both our brothers r in aussie. n we're both in nus. ah wells...we went to the same jc but i nv got to know her! hah i'm still overwhelmed by how tis whole incident. shucks, m i drawing too much connectns b/n us? hah picking out the similarities outta the tonnes of differences? ah wells...okie that's all! bizarre incidents like tis, hah, jus drive u beyond sanity. reminds me of all the heart-wrenching, outta-e-world romance fiction books. hah.
aye miss my bro. ok. that sounds incest again. but i miss myself blabbering all those on and on face to face w my bro. lol...he'll then dismiss me with stuff like "lousy la u..." blah blah. lol
posted by -yourname-
ayes....tml's sch again!darns...cant believe that 3 mths of hols jus like that. din even get enuf of my nua at home days...days i can jus bum arnd at home doing bo liao stuff...ayes...ah wells...n i jus have to spoil e cam on rag day. no more hols, how to get a job to buy tt cam la. bahs...n the dnd jus have to clash with tt it fair, even if i pon sch, oso have no chance to work la...darns darns.wads worst is i lost my bro's new hp. smart me huh. bahs...im off!
posted by -yourname-
aye. jus gna do a short post b4 i go back to my book.
hah. was heading down to SP tis aftnn, was underground at e mrt station. watching trains accelerating past me in opposite directions, bringing all human presence away from me. i found myself alone, secluded from swarming human crowd. my hand clasping onto my time traveller's wife book, ears stuffed with music, i was overwhelmed with peace. a long awaited peace. i felt eveything was in place, worries n schedules casted aside. it was good.
sigh. sch's about to start. nothing much to be said bout that.
jus had a fam gathering at aunt's place. heee love her place! got a pretty gd view of e fireworks, but it was nt at all fantastic, but the company compensated for it all.
ah wells...rag day's coming up. aye...hope engin rag will fare better than last yr. n i better rmmber to bring my cam down. hah. it's gna b fun! :D
posted by -yourname-

our hostel! hah damn cosy place!
yummies...sunny n gordon!
camp5! love it!
gluttons at work at chilis! bottomless chips! yippies
addictive climbing?
succumbing to vanity!heee...look at my green fringe! yays
outside hairdo place
sheryl. rif. me. sunny. gordon. weiling.
dinner at the best steakhouse! it was GOOODD...
playful bunch monkeys we r! heee...
khairul's face photoshop in? lol
taking flight.
munch munch munch! hungry again!
dunking donuts!
hey! that's mine!lol
last day....awwwwsss
posted by -yourname-
aye i finally gave in n took e painkillers.
it's still bleeding! totally hate the yucky feeling of feeling a loose peice of gum hanging outta e wound.
oh wells....shall randomly put up photos of wad i've been up to for e past few mths to account for my absence here aye...
the bin that had always been there.

hah tis's jus sth random . but i like it nonetheless!
lazy monkey! hee jus like rif. cant b bothered to nudge any bit.
awww...cute isnt he!
Q-ing for? im next in e Q! lala the hippo. hmmms
somehow somehow...reminds me of the chinese shortstories i made my mum tell when i was younger....
good taste elephant. the hat looks better on u than on some bugger! hee
when zebra crossing rly look like one. spore roads shld b more creative huh.
be back soon with the kl pics! heee...gdnites for now!
posted by -yourname-
eh good job. the old template restored.
after going thru so much trouble.
hah time to change the pic at least!
ah wells...jus got another wisdom tooth extracted n the anaethetic wearing out. bahs....pain pain...
posted by -yourname-